A Smile Of Affection - Chapter 19

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Chapter 18 recap-

I moved up the last half inch so that our lips could touch. It was at first gentle, but captivating, a mixture of sweetness and salty ocean water. I could feel him smiling against my lips as an explosion of total peace and serenity overwhelmed us both as mesmerized lips press together time after time, transporting us to another world. Ragged breathing and dancing tongues bring a fiery heat to the cold salt lake air. With just the two of us there, the rest of the world disappears.

He runs his hands up my neck, along my jaw line and to the back of my head as his fingers lose themselves in my tangled hair. Desire ignites the world around us as we both become lost in a sea of lust and love. It is a spicy, powerful combination that sends waves of passion crashing over us. The rest of the world is engulfed in our lustful burning flames as our kisses grow more urgent.

As our lips pull apart, a gentle breeze flutters over the flame extinguishing the desperate heat. Our breathing comes out in short, desperate gasps. The intensity has washed away. The rest of the world is slowly coming back into focus.

His forehead place upon mine, and we both stared longingly until we both caught our breath back.

He pulled back “But to hell with it.” He said as an amazing smile full of affection spread out along his feautures.


*There were three things I was absolutely sure of.  One, Edward was a vampire. Two, there was a part of him, and I’m not sure how dominant that part might be, that thirsted for my blood. And third, I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him*

I groaned out loud. As he mimicked line for line. I tried to keep quiet this entire time, but I just couldn’t hold it any longer.

“How can this be your favorite movie?!” I complained, pulling at the roots of my hair.

He shrugged and sighed dramatically “Edward is just soo dreamy.” He said in a gay lisp.

I smacked his chest playfully.

“Hey!” he laughed “Uh. I don’t know, i mean vampires were popular a long time ago and this Stephanie Meyer chick brought it back with huge twists. They don't sleep in coffins, don't die with garlic, and they don't burn in the sun. And that her vampire can actually survive on animal blood which is a huge twist, no one’s ever done that before. The part about forbidden love, the way you want someone, but can't really have them, you know? And then there’s the intense love triangle with Jacob...” he trailed off, must have been from my expression. 

My jaw was hanging; and my eyes were popping out of its sockets.

“What? I’m a guy who likes twilight, so what.” He defended himself. “You know if you think about it, it sounds kind of familiar, don’t you think? You know, forbidden relationships and the love triangle.” He chuckled.

“But I don’t love Benson.” I mumbled.

Noah smirked “Oh, so you love me then?”

“I-” my mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing came out.

He laughed and poked at my side “I’m just pulling your strings.”

I could feel the heat pulsating through my cheeks, so I turned my attention back to the TV so that Noah wouldn’t take notice and start up the teasing again.

 “Are we in a relationship?” I asked hesitantly chewing at my bottom lip.

“Don’t do that,” he said flicking my bottom lip to stop me from biting at it. “Yeah, guess we could say that,” he continued “but unfortunately it can’t leave this apartment. So for now we have to be a little furtive.” He frowned.

I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

No longer than a minute later we were back to cuddling on the sofa and all his concentration was on the movie. My mind wondered off while he continued on whispering line for line.

I wasn’t so intrigued on the twilight series, but when I really thought about it, I could relate myself to it. The forbidden relationship, Yeah Bella’s is with a sparkling vampire, but mine is with a teacher. Wow, I need to get use to saying that. But then there is also the “love triangle” it’s not exactly a love triangle, but there is a triangle going on. I don’t love Ben, yeah I liked him a lot at one stage but I got over that. He is still crazy about me, so he tells me.  But there is nothing I can do about that now. I mean i don’t love Noah … I think? I know that I have extremely strong feelings for him. It’s nothing like when I was with Benson, we were more friendly. Of course there were times where we would get caught up in a kiss. But there was no .. spark between us. With Noah, that’s a completely different story.

I sighed. Noah pulled his eyes away to look down at me. I just smiled and shook my head. He flashed me a smile back and leaned down to kiss my temple, before gluing his eyes back to the movie.

It was hard tell Ben that I couldn’t be with him, I let him know on the Friday, which was his deadline for me to decide, I asked him to come on over to my house after school where I dropped the bomb on him as carefully as possible. I was sweating bullets through the entire thing, petrified that he would snap at any moment. He seemed to pick up on that as well.

“You’re scared of me.” He whispered rhetorically.  

You could almost see his heart shattering on the inside. And to be honest, it left a crack in my mine as well. He told me he wouldn’t continue to fight for me, that he would wait. I felt really bad when I told him not to. To just let it be-

“’You better hold on tight spider monkey.’” Noah repeated. Snapping me from my thoughts

I let out a small giggle. “This is extremely depressing to hear. Your such a nerd.”

“Ahh but a handsome nerd to be exact.” He stated tapping my nose.

That earned a roll off my eyes “Whatever helps you to sleep at night Mr. Thompson.”

I know this is only a small chapter, but i guess its kinda just a filler. this was the only night ive been able to get some writing done soo yeah. im sincerely sorry :)

also this chapter is about a week and a half/ two weeks after their "kiss" and for the next few chapters i just want it to be about Noah and Rach. im sick of having to write about ben and all his crap haha lately my story has just felt depressing to me. so i want some happiness, start with the love birds ;) her birthday will be coming up soon. and im trying to figure out what to di for it. so if you have any idea, feel free to share :D

again, im sorry about it being small, but if you really like my story then your just going to have to bear with me for now.


meghannjane xxo

A Smile Of Affection [Student/Teacher]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora