Maybe my health and endurance should be the next problem I face.

I scurry out of the bathroom and to my surprise, Harry was no where to be seen. I guess homeboy finally took a hint.

I successfully made it safely out of the building until I heard a familiar "Y/N!"

Sweet niblets.

I turned towards the voice and smiled. "Oh, Harry! Fancy meeting you here! Come here often?"

Harry eyed me confusedly. "No."

I almost laughed but I realized that homeboy's attendance rate was probably really low.


"What, did you want me to leave?" Harry asked.

"I don't understand what would give you that impression..."

"You can just walk home if you'd like."

"Because I'd love to walk home with you," I mumbled.

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled.

Why is he acting all normal now?

"Why are you acting all normal now?" I asked as I got inside of his car.

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Harry, literally two seconds ago you were following me everywhere and memorizing my breathing pattern."

"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."

"I don't want your worst or your best."


And like that, he was back to the Harry that I've grown accustomed to: the one that avoided every question and gave brief answers.

"Are you really not gonna answer my question?"

Harry sighed. "Your friend Jason knows how infatuated I am with you now, right?"

I frowned. "Is that what you were doing? Marking your territory? Establishing dominance?"

"I didn't say all that."

"God, you're so infuriating!"


"Do you know how annoying you've been?"


"I hate you so much."


"Why does it have to be me?"

"What?" For a split second, Harry adverted his attention back to me.

"Why did you choose me out of everyone?"

"Didn't we have this conversation before?"

I stayed silent.

"Well, to be completely honest, it doesn't have to be you. I don't need to be with you, I want to be with you. It's my choice. Honestly, I think that I can live my whole life in isolation, but I'd rather be with you."

I hate that we basically read the same books because it just makes it easier for him to act like my favourite literary characters.

"I know that you don't exactly like me but that doesn't change how I feel. And although I'm not the kind of guy that girls these days want, I hope that you can still settle for me. I may not be willing to change everything about myself or give up everything that I have, but I am willing to compromise with you. I may not live for you, but I will definitely live with you."

I stayed silent. Damn he's good. I nearly took out my phone to jot down some notes.

"I'm sorry if that wasn't what you wanted to hear. I'm not very romantic, as you can tell. And no matter what you end up doing, just know that..."


"We're here."

I looked outside to see that we were home.

"Are you just not gonna finish your sentence?"

"I'll finish it if you let me drive you to that restaurant I took you to that one time."

"Harry, that place was like twenty minutes from the theater we went to and the theater was already thirty minutes away from my house."

"All I hear are excuses. Are you gonna give into your curiosity or not?" Harry smirked with a quizzical brow prominent on his face.

I crinkled my nose before texting my parents that I was going to be a bit late.


I just really like this video and it always puts me in a better mood.


Punk Harry Imagineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें