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I shuffled into the kitchen, a blanket wrapped around me. I began making some coffee and watched my tallest father slide his fingers tentatively upon the screen of his mobile device, clenching his fist in victory every so often. His facial expression would stay mostly neutral but the bushy brown caterpillars over his eyes said everything his mouth lacked to. I smiled at him and finished fixing my coffee. It was after my first few sips that Daddy Kian even noticed I was there and I saw his lanky body twitch in shock then his lips curl into a smile.
"Goodmornin Mickey," she croaked softly.
"Morning daddy," I sang, in a chipper mood.
He chuckled and kissed my forehead, turning toward the toaster and beginning to put some soft white bread inside, but then he paused, changing his mind, and after putting the bread back in place he put poptarts in the toaster instead.
That's Daddy Kian.
I yawned and rubbed my eyes, sitting at the kitchen table. I grabbed the little video idea notebook they kept in the center and ripped out a page from the back.
I decided on drawing us as stick figures. I went up to uncle Joseph's room, giving the door a hesitant thunk thunk.
"Whaaaaaat!" A voice whined in irritation. I opened it up and gave him a smile, and his mood seemed to change instantly.
"Hey." He said tiredly.
"Hiya uncle Joseph. Can I borrow a marker?" I asked.
"Wow gee good morning to you I would love to join you for breakfast." Joseph rolled his eyes with sarcasm.
I giggled and whacked his head with a pillow.
"Gimme a marker grumpy pants." I groaned.
He sighed. "Fine I suppose I'll give you a marker...after I TICKLE YOU!" He sprang up and pulled me in the bed tickling me mercilessly and I squirmed and squealed finally breaking free from his grasp. We both laughed and he threw a red marker at me.
"I'll come downstairs later." He stated, and whacked me on the butt signaling for me to leave his sight.
I rubbed my tush and left the room, returning downstairs to my place at the kitchen table, where two happy parents and a perfectly prepared poptart awaited my arrival.
"Mornin' Dad Jc." I said as I took a seat.
He smiled at me, seeming caught off guard.
"Good morning Michelle." He replied.
"Michelle? You never call me that." I stated questionably. Jc was always Jc, and I was always Mickey.

Real names were hardly spoken of. That is of course unless Daddy Kian and Dad Jc were messing around in the bedroom. It was the only time I ever hear my Dads real name being said. Yelled actually. Repeatedly.

He laughed and kissed my forehead "I just wanted to irritate you" he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes, laughing. I was relieved because at first I thought Dad Jc was abducted by an alien and wanted to eat my brains. He has shown me many alien movies, I don't tell him, but they give me nightmares.
I began eating my poptart and jotted down a picture of me and my dads, with the bright red marker Joseph gave me.
Daddy Kian smiled "is that us?"
I looked up at them and simply nodded; my mouth was filled with marshmallow poptart.
Dad Jc giggled "why are we bald?"
I shrugged, chuckling at the idea of them bald.
Daddy Kian giggled "our heads look like eggs."
"Well duh cause I think you guys are...egg-cellent" I replied, rather proud of myself.
I guess my comedy attempt was a success.

Later that day me and Uncle Joseph sat and watched tv together. He played with my hair, and it was nice.
"Joseph?" I asked softly.
"Yes ma'am?" He replied.
"Do you think I'll ever get a boyfriend?" I whispered.
He thought for a moment then smiled "well, of course. Why?" He answered.
"Well...since I don't attend school how will I meet anyone?"
Joseph smiled and said "maybe I'll teach you photography. I've met many people with the skill."
I smiled brightly. "That would be wonderful."
My excitement must have put him at ease because he let out a smooth breath I didn't know he was holding, and his shoulders slumped more in a more comfortable manner. I had never noticed until that moment how dark it was underneath his eyes.

He looked like he did not get more than 7 hours of sleep this week. I hoped tonight he'd rest.
When he's not locked up in his room, avoiding showers, while his naturally tanned skin tone turning as pale as it can get, he's usually out taking pictures of people; on very few occasions those people are my parents.
It was strange to me that now he was downstairs spending time with me, genuinely.

I wanted to ask what's up, but you should never question a miracle.

Adopted by JianHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin