Piggy bank?

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The next day I woke up in my bed all covered up with my teddy bear from the blueberry incident. I chuckled as it occurred to me that daddy kian must've carried me here and tucked me in. I got up out of bed and snuggling the bear close I headed downstairs. Daddy kian was looking at bills on the table, pulling at his hair in frustration. Dad Jc was in the living room too. His eyes were focused on the thin green paper in his hands that he quietly counted under his breath. As I saw how serious this was I decided to chip in. I brought down my piggy bank and their eyes were on me now as I smashed it with good old uncle Ricky's hammer. I placed the money on the table silently and threw the glass in the trash can. Daddy Kian giggled and said kindly "Mickey, that's very kind of you but we want you to keep that money." I shook my head.
"My money is your money. I don't wanna see you guys fight again..." I replied.
Dad Jc had a look of guilt and regret fill his still focused eyes and they turned back to the money in hopes to think of something else. Daddy Kian was only quiet and looked at me with love. His soft hand was gently placed on my shoulder as he looked in my eyes. He took a moment, to think about what he was going to say. He often did that which I never minded because I knew it was love that made him choose his words so carefully.
"Look...we're not going to fight anymore alright? I love your father with all my heart no matter how much we argue." He started.
"I still want to know what the rape thing was about..." I mumbled.
Daddy kians eyes were serious slits but they weren't angry, it was almost fear disguised by a state of focus. A sigh escaped his lips and he let go of my shoulder. "You are too young for this Mickey, please just go upstairs." He said. But without thinking I shouted "I am not too young! I deserve to know what's going on in MY OWN DAMN HOUSE!"
Dad jc looked at daddy kian and just gave him a nod, reassuring him and gesturing that it was ok for him to explain to me. Daddy Kian sighed, and reluctantly sat me down.
"We've spent so long being youtubers...and it is certainly an art. A passion. It's something we love...but it's not supporting us the way it use to. Especially now that we have a family. So...we tried so hard to look for jobs. But it wasn't working. And me and your father never went to college. Dad Jc only went for a short period of time but he was stressed and he was failing and...he was in debt. So...me and dad jc got in an argument. Things got out of hand and I told him maybe I could consider prostitution and he got really, really angry. And that's why he said what he said." Daddy Kian explained.
We were all silent. A violent silence filled the room.
(A/N Sometimes quiet is violent I find it hard to hide it, my pride is no longer inside, it's on my sleeve, my skin will scream, reminding me of, who I killed inside my dream lol sorry that song is great)
I sighed and looked at Daddy Kian and all I could say was "I'm sorry..."
The rest of the day consisted of watching my parents quietly sort things out and listening to the rain that softly pitterpattered against the house and caressed the windows.

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