"How dare you... How dare you show up in Kakarot's room like that while he is finally getting some decent rest." Bardock seethed. "Just what were you doing to MY son?!" The alpha blurred out of sight. He reappeared behind Vegeta with a kick aimed at his stomach, but the shorter man caught his ankle with one hand.

The former prince gritted his teeth at the unexpected force behind the attack, however he didn't let that faze him. Two gloved hands gripped the leg in front of him and threw Bardock over his shoulder as he twisted around. Bardock used his other leg to strike a kick to the other's shoulder before he was released.

The blow hit its target, forcing the younger saiyan farther away from the room where his submissive was still semi paralyzed from the nip to his mark. Dark eyes flickered over to the broken door with a pained expression before they hardened to meet his opponent that was rushing towards him.

The two immediately started to trade blows and strikes back and forth. The force packed into the punches and kicks made the very air tremble as the snarling alphas fought. Vegeta's elbow sank into the lower abdomen of the older warrior, forcing him away to give the former prince more room.

"He might be your son, but Kakarot's MY mate!" Vegeta cupped his hands together to fire a ki blast at the older man while he was still unsteady in the air. The energy caught Bardock in the face, sending him crashing back down to the balcony of Kakarot's room. "I won't let anyone keep me from what is mine!"

King Vegeta stood in the doorway watching the two dominant saiyans fight with a scowl on his face. His arms were crossed as he stood guard over the vulnerable being that his younger son was looking over at the moment. The monarch had summoned Tarble after Bardock went charging into Kakarot's room.

He peered over to the bed where the beta was still unable to move freely. Kakarot was sluggishly trying to move off the bed so he could either get away from his son or watch the fight, but the sudden rush of endorphins from the nip to his mating mark was making it extremely difficult.

The older warrior looked back outside when his friend launched himself back in the sky with a roar of rage. The king observed the green and black clad saiyan power up as he went after the former prince again. As the fight went on, it was clear that Bardock was beginning to get the upper hand.

"You are a coward that doesn't deserve someone like Kakarot for a mate after what you did! You dishonored him with your actions!" Bardock yelled as Vegeta pushed himself to dodge the heavy blows the older man was raining down on him. "If you think I'm going to let you anywhere near him, you are stupider than I thought!"

"You got another thing coming if you think a low class like yourself could stop me!" Vegeta snarled as he was getting his ass handed to him. He was slowing getting tired and annoyed with this fight, and the younger warrior wanted to end it so he could get back to his mate. Finally his temper got the better of him, and he powered up to Super Saiyan 2 with a shout.

The flash of light and power forced Bardock back from the former prince. He glared at the other in what Vegeta thought was frustrated rage. The alpha's smug attitude emerged as he crossed his arms with a smirk on his face. The golden energy danced along his frame, and he chuckled at his opponent.

"Now do you see?" Vegeta questioned as he watched Bardock seethe just a few feet from him. "There is no way you could measure up to my power. If you back down now, you can save yourself the humiliation of loosing this fight." The now green eyes of the former prince caught movement down by his mate's room.

King Vegeta, Tarble, Goten, and Kakarot were all watching the battle, and they weren't the only ones. Multiple saiyans had been awoken by the sounds of the fight, and they watched the alphas in the sky. Shouts and jeers came from the audience, and Vegeta soaked up all the attention especially the attention from the beta.

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