Request - Enzo "Calm down"

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"It should be around here somewhere..." You were kneeling in front of a cabinet in the Salvatore living room, carefully searching through the contents, making sure you put everything back exactly where it was. You knew Damon, and you knew how much he would hate it if he knew you were searching through his house. His problem... he shouldn't have stolen those photos from you in the first place.

"Are you sure this is worth all that trouble, darling?" Enzo was a bit less careful, but then again, he was a bit more at home. He probably could get away with telling Damon he had been looking for something, while you... well, that would probably end less well.

You nodded. "He had no right in taking them, and they mean a lot to me, so...". You didn't get the time to finish your sentence, and before you knew what was happening, you found yourself in a dark place. Small.

So small you could feel Enzo's body pressed against you, his breath on your face, his finger on your lips.

You wanted to act indignant, demand to be let out of here, until you heard footsteps in the room, walking around the safe someone had left in the room until they could get rid of it. You recognized it, the size of it, the metal walls pressing in your back, and involuntarily you shuffled a bit closer to Enzo.

One of his hands was resting on the small of your back, and the moment he noticed you had heard Caroline walk around –which was kind of hard to miss, seeing that she was yelling out to see if Stefan was home-, he removed his finger from your mouth, only to stroke your hair, trying to keep you calm.

You weren't. You had no idea what it was... if it was the small space, or if it was how close Enzo felt, but your heartbeat sped up, something he noticed, without a doubt. He was probably able to feel it against his own chest, so close where the two of you together.

The moment Caroline yelled out again, you heard his voice again, very low, so Caroline wouldn't hear it over the sounds she was making herself. "Shh, darling... calm down..."

Easier said than done. You nodded, knowing he would feel it, seeing that one of his hands was still touching your head, but it didn't do a lot. It wasn't a panic attack... you had seen those, and you were glad you weren't prone to have them, or you would have had one now, without a doubt, but it was highly uncomfortable...

Another yell from Caroline. "Easy, love... it's gonna be fine..." Another reassurance from Enzo, another one that didn't help.

You took a deep breath, something that wasn't too easy in the confined space of the safe, and wished that Caroline would disappear. And suddenly you didn't notice anything anymore. At least, nothing but the lips pressed to yours, the hand that still rested on your hair, the way Enzo smelled when he was closer than he had ever been. You had no idea how long that kiss had lasted, but you were disappointed when it ended. It should never have ended, if someone were to ask you about it.

Enzo however hadn't completely lost his wits, and he opened the safe. "I'm sorry for that, my dear, but it was the only way I could think of to make you calm down..." He stepped out of it and offered his hand to help you do the same.

You followed him, still a bit unstable. "I... have to admit I wouldn't have minded if Caroline would have stayed a bit longer..", you admitted, blushing slightly.

Enzo smirked. "I think we don't need to be locked in a safe to repeat what happened there..."

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