Request - Drabble Scott McCall

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Your kiss was sweeter than any kiss he had ever known before. Your hands were softer than any hands that had ever touched him before. Your embrace was safer than any other embrace he had ever experienced.

And then he felt it happening. He felt his eyes glowing, his nails growing. He felt how his chin and cheeks got covered in dark hair. He was shifting and while his cheeks started blushing, he pushed you away, turning his face towards the wall.

"Scott?" You placed a hand on his cheek and forced him to look at you again.

He tried to look down, he tried to softened his gaze, he tried to do everything he could to mak sure that you wouldn't be afraid of him. But he knew that everyone would be afraid the first time they saw a werewolf. And no matter how special you were, he didn't expect you to be any different.

"What are you?" You whispered and Scott swallowed.

"I'm a werewolf." He answered, his voice as soft and normal as he could.

You let your hands wander over his face, his neck, his chest and Scott didn't dare to move. "You look amazing." You placed both hands on his cheeks and you stared into his glowing red eyes. "No matter what you are, I believe it's something good. You have to be something good and I love you in any form." You smiled and finally Scott dared to smile too.

"I love you more." He wrapped his arms around you again and kissed your lips, even softener than they had already been. 

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