Request Drabble Bellamy Blake

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You had been watching Bellamy come back from Mount Weather... you had seen the haunted look in his eyes, and when the stories of the horrors that had happened there started to spread -nothing official, but rumours kept going around anyway-, you started to understand why that was.

Slowly the look in his eyes started to soften, slowly he seemed to pick up his life again. And one day he emerged from the Chancellor's part of the camp with a familiar jacket.

You smiled, walking up to him. "Looking good, handsome...", remembering one of your first meetings, which seemed to be almost an eternity ago.

He smiled as well, something that seemed almost to be a miracle. "Well, someone has to take care of order around here. Who better than someone who spend a lot of time around convicts, but does at least know how politics work, down here?" He was partly joking, but you had seen how Kane did thing lately, and you were pretty sure he made the right choice by choosing Bellamy.

"Congrats, I guess.", you said. "I guess you're too busy to spend time with me then?" You hoped he would take the bite, and luckily for you, he did.

"I'll never be too busy for that...", he chuckled, taking your hand and running off to a more remote part of the camp.

You didn't have any choice than to follow him, and when he stopped and sat down, you understood why he brought you here. You sat down next to him, leaning against the fence, looking up. "I still can't believe how different they look from here."

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, and you rested your head on your shoulder. "I like them...", he said after a while. "Better than from up there. Because this is our future. Up there, that was just temporary. Here... it's home. We just need to find the right form of home."

2016 February CollectionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum