Request- Drabble Damon Salvatore

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"Damon, don't..." Stefan turned around, hearing that Damon was opening the next bottle of bourbon. He was holding you on his arm, because you had just fallen down and had been crying. And maybe also because he just liked taking care of a child.

"Come on, Stef... she's what. Two? She won't notice." He glanced over to the couch where Bonnie was sitting. "Besides, why is she still a toddler? You'd think it should be easy to get her back to her original age, if the opposite happened that fast." He leaned over the couch where Bonnie was sitting. "Or is there someone else around here who is a lot stronger than you, Bon?"

Bonnie just swatted at him. "Get off me, ok? I'm trying, but it's something I haven't seen before. I'll get there, it just takes some time..."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Brilliant... so in the mean time I get to share my house with a baby, can't drink while I'm at home and can't...." He looked back, hearing something. "Get away from that!" He hadn't noticed that Stefan had put you down again, and as you often did, you had walked towards the fire. The flames were really pretty... He ran after you and swooped you off your feet, and for a moment you didn't know if you had to cry out with pleasure or start crying.

When you saw Damon's face so close, you decided for the last one, and that made him hand you over to Stefan as soon as he could. "I safe her from burning, and that's what you get as a thanks? You're better with her, brother. Just... don't let her near the fire again, ok?"

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