Request - Drabble Kol Mikaelson (NSFW)

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"You know what's so great about being a vampire?"

Before you could answer you felt Kol pressing your back against a tree. His chest was pressed to yours and you saw a twinkle in his eyes. You knew that look, you knew it all too well and you smiled. "No, tell me..." You whispered and you felt his nose brushing yours.

"No, I'll show you." Kol whispered before he pressed his lips on yours. His hands wandered over your body and with quick movements he took of your shirt, your pants and your underwear. For a moment he stepped back, staring at your naked skin. Then he quickly undressed himself too and he pressed his naked body to yours.

"So far taking time for my first time as a vampire." You joked and you moaned when he bit your ear, pressing kisses on your neck, your shoulder, your breasts, your stomach.

Eventually his head went between your legs and you felt his tongue circling around and around, sometimes pushing itself in a little.

You had to admit that Kol had been right. Event this was different now you were a vampire. But it was different in a good way, in a great way. You screamed and you heard how Kol chuckled while he kissed his way up again, until his lips touched yours again.

"I want more..." You spoke softly and Kol lifted you up a little, pushing himself inside of you with one smooth movement.

"Your wish is my command..." He teased you and then he pressed you against the tree again, while he started to move in and out, in and out.

You screamed, you screamed like you had never done before. And the nice thing was that you knew that no matter how long it would last, no matter how many different things the two of you would try it. You wouldn't get tired. Not anymore.

2016 February CollectionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant