Elijah Mikaelson

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"Elijah? What are you doing here?" You had heard about what happened with the Strix today, and the last place you had expected to run into the elder Original brother was where Marcel was living.

Elijah just smiled when he saw you, and offered you his arm, as if it was the most casual thing ever. "I do have my reasons, Y/N. Trust me.. Matters are rarely exactly as they seem to be."

Wait... what? You had heard about the fact that Elijah had almost killed Marcel, you had heard about how he had walked away, almost pouting like a little child that hadn't gotten his way, and still, here he was, almost... cheerful. "Are you going to tell me what happened, or do you leave it to me to guess?"

A faint smile played around his lips when he steered you into a back alley, looking back if no one was following you. "I trust you, Y/N, which is why I am letting you in on this secret. I strongly advise you not to betray that trust, or you will find that my drive to survive is greater than the sympathy I can have for any woman at this point in my life. Do you understand that?"

You just nodded. You knew who you were involved with, and you would only hold it against him if he would endanger himself. Besides... his death would mean yours as well, seeing that he had finally given in to your incessant begging to turn you, just before the whole sire war broke loose.

Elijah gestured back. "That whole... charade for power was nothing more than that, a charade. Marcel may have power over the Strix in name, but I assure you, he would not have succeeded if I would not have allowed him to, and by doing so, I have managed to lure Aya's attention away from what really matters right now."

"The weapon?", you asked him. It was difficult to forget about the impending doom hanging over your head.

He nodded. "The weapon. Which we will retrieve as soon as possible, my love..." He kissed you on the forehead. "Because I wish I could dedicate more of my time to you. I will, once we have conquered that what threatens us now. As soon as both the Strix and our first sired are dealt with, I promise you, Y/N, you will be all I care about."

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