Preference TVD Valentine's day

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Damon believes that Valentine's day is nonsense and he's refusing to do something special, but you are the one talking him into at least having dinner somewhere. On your way there he does buy you a black rose, but he says that it's not a Valentine's day present. It's just because he likes the rose and he likes you.


Stefan knows that Valentine's day is important to you. Therefore he wakes up early to make you breakfast and he has searched the entire house for that one special necklace that he wants to be yours. In the afternoon the two of you go to the waterfalls to have a walk and a small picnic. The entire way he holds your hand and smiles.


Tyler has totally forgotten that it was Valentine's day but he doesn't dare to admit it. Therefore he tells you that he has a huge surprise for you. He calls Caroline for help and eventually she makes sure that a huge cake is delivered around noon. You do recognize Caroline's handwriting, but you don't want to ruin the day so you don't say anything and enjoy it.


Matt wants to make sure that you'll never forget this day. He makes you breakfast and he surprises you with a huge bouquet of red roses. Of course he does have to work, but he has taken the early shift so the two of you can do something together in the evening. He has worked some extra shifts to be able to pay for an expensive dinner.


Jeremy is laid back and he doesn't make a big fuss out of the day, but he did prepare a small surprise for you. While you had been reading, he has drawn you a portrait of yourself. While he makes you brunch he puts the drawing next to your plate. The rest of the day the two of you just cuddle up and play games and watch movies.

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