Request - Drabble Liam Dunbar

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You couldn't believe that you were actually doing this. You couldn't believe that you were all on your own, trying to find Hayden.

Yes, she was part of the pack. Yes, everyone else was looking for her too, but most of all she was the girlfriend from Liam.

It was a bad thing to be jealous within the pack. It was an even worse thing to fight with other people in the pack about it. It was the worst thing to get into a fight with your best friend because he didn't love you.

"Help..." Hayden's voice sounded far away, but you lifted your chin and looked around. "Help..." She yelled again and it was as if you had forgotten everything.

You had forgotten how Liam and you had been fighting right before Hayden had disappeared. You had forgotten how you had blamed Liam for never making time for you, even though you knew it wasn't true. You had even forgotten that you hated Hayden for having the boy you wanted to have.

"I'm here!" You yelled and you got closer to Hayden, seeing how she was holding on to a small branch above a big gaping ravine. You could see water, far away and deep down, rushing by and you held your breath. "Grab my hand!" You leaned forward and you saw how Hayden tried to reach you. You moved a little closer to help her, balancing on the edge, until you lost your balance. You knew that this was it. You would fall down, would end up in the river and no one would know if you would have survived. You closed your eyes and whispered. "Sorry Hayden, sorry Liam, sorry everyone..." You didn't want to die without them knowing that you didn't want this to happen.

"You're not dying, do you hear me?"

A strong arm was wrapped around your waist and you looked up into Liam's beautiful eyes.

"And let's just forget and forgive all of this, okay?" Liam nodded at you while he carefully pulled you up.


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