Preference The Originals Valentine's Day

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"Just a little bit longer, love..." You were a bit impatient, ever since he had asked to blindfold you when you had come to the compound after a panicky phonecall from his side. You felt the car stopping and he lead you carefully by the hand before he removed the blindfold. You had already heard that there were no cars anywhere, but you were standing in a clearing, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. "I found this while I was searching for the cure for my brother, and I absolutely had to share it with you. Happy Valentine's Day, my dear."


You could smell the typical scent of old books, something you would recognize everywhere, something you loved more than anything else in the world. Except for the man next to you. "I hope my surprise is somewhat to your liking?" Elijah looked at you while you were gaping at the numbers and numbers of old books you could see before you. "It might not be the most romantic place ever, but knowing you, I'm pleasing you much more with this than with any flowery meadow ever." You smiled, turning towards him. "It's perfect... thank you."


You opened your eyes the moment you heard someone come in. "I hope you didn't make any plans for today, darling, because mine were to spend them all day in bed with you..." She was carrying a tray with what looked like breakfast, and that made you sit up. "I didn't even know you could cook breakfast." She started laughing. "Don't underestimate the abilities I have acquired over the last thousand years, love. For you, I will put aside my principles and make you breakfast. That's what Valentine's Day is all about, isn't it?"


"This? This is your idea of a perfect Valentine's day?" You looked to the bar where he had asked you to come to. "We come here so often..." He just smirked, outstretching his hand to you, which you took. "It's not at all as on other days, darling. Don't worry." He opened the door, and it was completely empty. "We've had so many great moments here, that I couldn't think of a better place to spend this day. Just the two of us..." That was something different... you didn't think about how he managed this, but you felt at home here, and somehow you were grateful that he had thought about that. "Thanks Kol. It's perfect."


"No no no, I'm not telling you where I'm taking you. What would be the fun in that, darling?" You just tried to look around, see if you could recognize something, but Lucien had taken you so far away, you had no idea where you were. Until he stopped in front of a dilapidated building. You were sceptical. "This doesn't look romantic..." He just smirked, leading you towards the door. "Don't judge too early, my love." When he opened it, you understood what he meant. The inside was totally unrecognizable. Red drapes everywhere, the floor scattered with rose petals and in the midst of all that a table for two, where he seated you. "Happy Valentine's Day, darling."

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