Request - Drabble The Pack

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Your head was resting against the wall, while you were staring at Allison, on the other side of the iron bars. They had not wanted to lock you up, but after you had tried to kill Allison a few times, they wanted to be sure that it wouldn't happen again.

"We know what you are." Lydia stared at you and she swallowed.

You didn't know that pack that long yet, but it was clear that whatever you were, it was something dangerous.

Stiles looked worried, Scott looked even more worried, if that was even possible and Allison looked terrified.

"What am I?" You hissed between your teeth. It was as if it was in your bones to kill the huntress in front of you, it was as if every cell in your body didn't want anything more than that. It was exactly why the pack had done everything it could to figure out what you were.

"You're an Alpha creature..." Scott spoke slowly and you frowned your eyebrows while the words sank in. "Your father was the very first Nogitsune." He made sure to stretch every word, as if he was afraid you wouldn't believe him.

"And my mother?" You cocked your head and stared at Lydia again. For some reason she was the only one you trusted.

"We don't know that yet." She shook her head. "But we do know that if you could learn how to master your powers, you can let every supernatural creature do whatever you want."

You let the words sink in and you finally understood what they wanted to say. "I could make Scott kill Allison..." You bent your head and closed your eyes. Just because your body wanted her dead, it didn't mean you wanted it. 

2016 February CollectionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum