Isabelle Lightwood

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Your hand was held by Izzy and Clary. Your heart was racing in your chest. You were terrified, but you knew that everyone was. Although you were a Shadowhunter and used to demons and monsters, summoning one of the most powerful demons was not something you did daily.

"What's your price?" Magnus spoke with an enchanting voice and you made sure to squeeze the hands you were holding. "It wants a memory of the one we love most." Magnus lifted his chin a little and you swallowed, turning your face to the pretty Shadowhunter on your left.

You had never told Isabelle that you loved her. You had never told her that you heart started racing in your chest when you saw her. You had never told her that you were always lost for words around her because she was breathtaking beautiful. You had never told her that she was the one who made you feel alive.

You didn't have much time to think about it. Before you realized what was happening you saw Isabelle's face in the middle of the circle. Not only you saw it.

Everyone else saw it too.

Isabelle saw it too.

You stared at her and she stared back at you. You had thought she would be shocked, maybe even angry, but instead she was smiling and her hand squeezed yours.

"We'll talk about this when everything is over." Isabelle winked and you nodded, all of a sudden noticing that now your face was in the middle of the circle too.

You had known that Isabelle was the person you loved most. You had not known that you were hers too. 

2016 February CollectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora