Request - Drabble Kai Parker (Sequel)

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"Here he is." Caroline opened the door towards one of the cells. She was trembling, a little nervous, but you just raised your eyebrows and cocked your head.

"No tricks?" You stared at her and crossed your arms over your chest. "No lies. No closed doors as soon as I step in?" You saw how she shook her head.

"I promise. We'll let the two of you go if you promise to stay far away from Mystic Falls." She crossed her arms over her chest too, but her voice was shaking and you grinned.

"If you break that promise I'll take your eyes and will feed them to Stefan." You hissed between your teeth, but Caroline lifted her hands up and walked backwards, away from the door, away from you and away from Kai. As soon as she was far enough away, you walked in.

Kai was tied to his chair the same way you had been. He had a cloth in his mouth and it was clear that he was angry, angrier than you had been.

You kneeled down in front of him. Carefully you grabbed the cloth and took it out.

"What the hell took you this long?" Kai lifted his chin and you raised your eyebrows.

"Okay, I'll put that cloth back and then we're gonna try this again. I'd suggest something like. O dear (Y/N)! It's so amazing that you were able to talk yourself out of this so you could come free me. Thank you." You put the cloth back into his mouth and you twirled around before you took it out again.

"I'm not gonna repeat what you just said, but thanks for saving my ass." Kai smiled and you smiled back at him. "Could you now please untie me too?" He winked a few times and you nodded. As soon as you had freed him he wrapped his arms around your neck.

"What happened?" He spoke softly, looking around as if he was counting on the same trick you had been expecting the entire way here.

"Someone tried to stop me from seeing you." You had your arms around his waist and you pressed your lips on his. "And that someone clearly failed." You grinned and Kai smiled back at you.

"I had not expected anything else. Trying to defeat us is impossible."

2016 February CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now