Request - Nogitsune Stiles "Wrong Team" (Sequel)

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"Please, don't do this to us." Scott shook his head. His voice was barely a whisper and you could see the tears in his eyes. He knew that if you wouldn't change the game he and his entire pack would die, one way or another.

Of course, they wouldn't die without a fight. They would maybe wound a few Oni's here and there. They would maybe even manage to think that they were close to winning, but you know better. They didn't stand a chance.

"Scott McCall, true Alpha, begging for his life." The Nogitsune raised his eyebrows and he shook his head. "What a wonderful day this must be for (Y/N)." He stared at you and you smiled back at him.

You had been holding his hand the entire time, your fingers entwined with his. You could even feel his blood pumping through his veins. You could almost hear his happy heart beating in his chest.

He really thought he had already won this game. He really thought that you were on his side and that you would help him to kill Scott and his entire pack.

You wouldn't. No matter how hard it had been that Scott had never allowed you to become part of his pack, you wouldn't let the Nogitsune and his Oni slaughter them. Of course you wouldn't. You were an Alpha, but not a killer.

"Would you like to give the order?" The Nogitsune handed you the tail that he used to control his little army and with a smile you took it from him.

With a huge feel for drama, you stepped forward, away from the Nogitsune, towards the pack. Once in a while you looked over your shoulder to check if the Nogitsune was still grinning.

Of course he was. He had no idea what was waiting for him. Maybe he wasn't as clever as he had claimed to be after all. Maybe he was not clever when it came to people and their loyalties.

"Oni, I order you to kill the Nogitsune!" You stood still when you were right in front of Scott. Your eyes were staring straight into his and you could see the surprise on his face.


You turned around and saw how the smile of the Nogitsune had disappeared. The Oni were now surrounding him and you could see the fear in his eyes. You had never seen him like this before, but you had imagined what it would look like. Although you had not been able to imagine how amazing it would really be.

"Thanks for saving us." Scott watched how the Oni closed the Nogitsune in. He looked away as soon as the sight became far from pretty.

"Does this mean I'm part of the pack now?" You cocked your head and you saw how Scott nodded.

"I think this pack is extraordinary already. Why not have a pack with two Alpha's?" He smiled and you smiled back at him.

The screams of the Nogitsune in the background sounded like music to your ears.

"Our pack will be the most amazing pack ever", you said while you hugged the true Alpha and pressed him to your chest.  

2016 February CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now