Request - Drabble Alec Lightwood

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Alec was holding your hand and you could feel that he was nervous. Today he was going to introduce you to the Clave. Today he was going to prove that he would restore the Lightwood's honor, today he was going to prove that he was not the disappointment they thought he was.

"Welcome to Idris!" A young girl walked towards you and Alec and she smiled while she shook your hand. "I'm sure that everyone here will be thrilled to see the two of you." She nodded at Alec and then turned her face towards you again. "They will be so proud of you for being able to fix him." She clearly meant it as a compliment, but you frowned your eyes.

"What do you mean?" You cocked your head and you felt how Alec's grip was tightening, as if he was trying to hold you back, as if he already knew what was coming.

"I've heard that Alec was gay, but it seems that you've fixed that. Congratulations."

Alec froze next to you and you frowned your eyebrows, letting the words sink in for a short moment. "I didn't fix anything." You let his hand go and avoided his hand trying to grab your wrist. You did a few steps towards the girl and you took a few deep breaths. "There is nothing to be fixed. Do you hear me?" You've felt how your fingers curled up and the adrenaline was pumped through your body. "Alec is perfect the way he is." You lifted your arm up and before your realized what you were doing your fist landed on her nose.

Alec placed his arms on your shoulders and pulled you back.

You were afraid that he would be angry, that you had just messed up everything, that you had ruined his chance to restore his family's honor, but instead you felt his lips kissing your hair.

"I guess you and I are a better fit than I thought." He wrapped his arms around your body and he pressed you to his chest. "She totally deserved that, thanks."

2016 February CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now