Terry sat on his bed, looking down at his bare feet. He just stared down, still to afraid to leave the room. Suddenly, he heard gunshots and screams, before there was a knock on the downstairs door. He looked out of his room, and heard the banging on the door from the floor below him. He looked around the hallway, looking fore anyone that could go and get it. He sighed, before walking down the steps.

He pulled the door opened and saw a few members of the town standing before him. "Terry" said Bobby, with a worried expression on his face. "We have to get to the wall now?" "What happened?" Terry asked, looking out towards the wall. "There's a herd" Bobby said. "They broke through the wall. The guards are trapped in a tower, but the walkers saw some of us in here. They're pushing in." Terry looked at him, before saying "You all need to get weapons. Meet me there." They all nodded before running off.

He ran up the steps to his room and tossed a black t-shirt on, before he walked to the window. He looked out and saw the smoke, as well as walkers piling in. He put on his belt with his gun, before grabbing his machete and running out.

Adam held his son in his arms, as Andrew still had tears running down his face. Sam just looked out into the trees, still furious. Adam cried onto his son's body, as Sam said "We need to go now." William stabbed an oncoming walker, as Adam did not move. "Sam" Andrew said, his voice shaking. "Not yet." "No" said Sam, standing up. "We need to regroup with the others and head back home We don't know if they could've been attacked. We need to go, now." William looked back at Sam, and then down at Adam. "Sam" he said. "He just lost his son. We need to let him grieve."

Sam looked at William said "I just lost my cousin, and I'm still grieving, but we need to grieve later. We can't just wait here and let the others die. We need to make a plan." "Sam" Andrew said, still with tears coming down his face. "We're not ready. He's not ready" and he jerked his head towards Adam.

Sam looked at his uncle, before approaching, and getting onto his knees. "Uncle Adam" Sam said. "You have no idea how sorry I am. We all just lost someone very close to us." Adam still looked down at Nick, whose eyes were opened, staring up at Adam. Sam got closer and said "Nick was a fighter, and a survivor, but Sebastian took that away from him. Right now, we have to go and kill them." Adam still stared at Nick. "Uncle Adam, Nick would want you to keep going. He'd want you, with us, to kill Sebastian and that group, and then to mourn him later. He wouldn't want you sitting here, waiting to die."

Adam stared down at his son, before picking his head up sand looking at Andrew. "He loved you" Adam said. "He really did." Andrew looked at Adam, and simply nodded. Adam looked next to him at Sam and said "We're taking him with us." Sam looked at his uncle, and nodded. Adam looked back at his son's eyes, before closing them with his fingers.

Vivian stood at the top of the tower, with her rifle in hand. She turned back, as she saw Hannah climbing up the ladder. The two women stood up there, before Vivian asked "How're we gonna get them out of here?" Hannah looked down at the herd and said "When the others get back, they'll see the herd, and they'll lead them away with the cars. That's the best course of action we can take." Vivian looked over at Hannah and said "We don't know if they weren't attacked, too." Hannah looked at Vivian and said "Yeah, we don't."

Amy leaned against the back of the seat in the car, as Jarrod climbed in. "Hey" he said, reaching a bottle of water out to her. "You need to drink something." Amy looked over at him, and said "I just lost my husband and son. I don't have time to drink anything. Let me grieve." Jarrod looked at her, and said "You deserve to grieve, but Bella wants you to have something. She needs to know you're not broken. Let her know you're not. She just lost her dad and brother. Don't let her lose her mom, too." He placed the water on the floor, before stepping out. Amy looked down at the water, before picking it up, and taking a sip.

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