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Chris POV

Phil called asking if Pj and I wanted to join them for game night and we said yes, we never miss game night! Pj wanted to drive since he says I drive to crazy and is afraid I will kill him, even though I think he drives crazier than I do. 

We finally got to Dan and Phils flat in one piece. I remembered to bring Aubrie one of my shirts that she's been dying to borrow, not exactly sure why it's just my Tokyo shirt. Maybe she'll tell me when I give it to her. 

As we got to the door I looked at Pj and seen he was worried, he still thinks I don't trust him around Dan but I do. 

"You know babe, with you worrying like this over it would make other people think I should be worried but I know I don't have a reason too. Right?" 
"Of course you don't. I swear I would never hurt you again, Chris. I love you." He kisses me and puts his arm around my waist then knocks. 

Aubrie opens the door and jumps to hug both of us. 
"Yay! You guys are here!" I love how energetic she always is, makes me love her even more. "Come in, we're just getting everything ready. You guys are going to film another Fantastic Foursome video so the fans don't come hunting you guys." 
"Oh lovely. Here's the shirt, can I know why you need it so bad?" I chuckle as her eyes widen and she smiles her adorable little smile and grabs it. I decide to play with her and put it up high so she can't reach it. 

"Heeeyyyy!!" She tries jumping for it but fails each time. I laugh as she fails. "We have an assignment in Geo. of a place we would love to go too and since I'm already living in the top place I have always wanted to go, I picked my second place. Japan. Tokyo to be exact. That's why I need the shirt so it could go better with my presentation." I smile and hand it too her. She runs off to put it in her room.

I love how dedicated she is to her school work, it's no wonder why she gets all A's. 

We walk into the lounge to see Dan and Phil making out on the couch.

"Oi, you guys want to save that for later?" I jokingly say while tossing a throw pillow at them.
"Sorry, we were just talking and got carried away. I didn't even hear the door. Where's Aubrie?" Phil said as he was walking towards us. 
"You don't have to explain yourself Phil, we understand. She went to put a shirt away." He smiles and heads for the kitchen, Pj following.

I walk to the couch and decide to sit down next to Dan who looks out of it. 

"What's wrong?" 
"Nothing, work was just killer today. I'm excited to film with all of us again though. It's been to long." I nod and see he begins to smile. 
"Yeah, I missed this." 

Third person POV

Phil put Aubrie in charge of the camera as they all played. She was happy to do it instead of going against Pj and Dan, they get very competitive. Especially when she plays. 

"Hey guys! Now in case you're wondering why we're in the living room instead of our office, well we have a surprise for you! *Pj and Chris jump in the shot* THE FANTASTIC FOURSOME HAS RETURNED! Yes, we have answered your begging and have come together to make another Foursome video for you all." They all burst out laughing as Phil takes a moment to realize what he said. "Oh my goodness that sounded wrong! Not in that way guys, save that for your fan fictions!" He joins in the laughing.

"Nah, he means it guys. Get ready for some hot and heavy foursome.... MARIO KART!!!!" Dan says as he does his suggestive wink and lip bite that they all know drives Phil mad. Phil does a nervous laugh and looks over to Dan lovingly and bites his lip slightly. Chris gives him a nudge but not hard enough to make it obvious and he shakes his head as he realizes they're filming.

"Right! We're going to be playing Mario Kart! If you're wondering who we have in charge of the camera, besides our lovely tripod, it's my amazing *winks* sister Aubrie!" She comes into view and waves with a small smile 

"Now, she is going to be keeping track of the real score and try to control everyone from hurting each other.*giggles* Let's get started!"


After about two hours later they finish filming having played 5 rounds, Dan winning 3 and Pj winning 2. They end the video with a goodbye and the usual ending to their videos. Aubrie ends up going to her room to go to bed so she can get some sleep for school tomorrow. She hugs each of them and tells Pj and Chris goodbye and thanks Chris again for the shirt promising not to mess it up at all. 

She gets into her room and changes into a t-shirt and shorts then climbs into bed. She checks her phone seeing she has an email from her father but deletes it instead of reading it, plugs it in to charge and then falls asleep awaiting to see her beautiful girlfriend the next day.

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