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Phil POV
If you ever had your heart broken by someone you truly love then I'm sure you know how I'm feeling right now. If not, I don't know how to describe it too you.
I want to forgive him, I truly do but I don't know if I can. Or how.

I want to marry him, raise a family with him, but that's all crumbling down because of his stupidity. I should have known something was wrong, he stopped looking at me with his love eyes or 'heart' eyes as our fans call it.

Seeing him leave with a bag broke my heart even more. The first thought that came to my mind was that he was going to Pjs flat until I heard him outside of my room calling Louise. I texted her after just to make sure he was truly going there. Once she texted me back letting me know he was, I went back to crying my heart out too Chris.

"I don't want him to go but I don't know how to forgive him."
"I know, I feel the same way with Pj. We can get through this together, Phil."
"What makes you think that?"
"Because you're strong as hell and can get through anything."
"Thank you, Chris." I felt a smile begin to form on my face.


Chris and I laid down across my bed staring at my celing talking about our best times with each other and how we had fun even before we met the two people that managed to break our hearts repeatedly but can't stop loving them.
Chris groaned as he reached into his pocket for his phone which began ringing.

"Speak of the devil." he said as he looked to see Pj was calling.
"Hello?......Peej?....what's wrong?! Pj!" he hung up and started for the bedroom door.

"I need to go. Somethings wrong. He might be getting bad again."
"Go! He needs you." I walked him to the door and gave him a hug goodbye before seeing my best friend leave to go to his love.

Hey Lo, is Dan okay??
Yes. Very upset, but he's okay.
Okay. Please let me know if he starts to get bad again please..
You got it babe.

I laid back down on my bed, burying myself in my duvet and cried myself too sleep.

I woke up to three texts and two missed calls. I must have crashed hard if I didn't wake up to my phone at all.

He cried all night, you two really need to talk. -Louise
Phil, can I come over please?. We need to talk.. -Dan
Phil. I want to talk.. -Pj

I ignored Pj but answered Dan and Louise. Dan will be over in two hours and Louise is happy I agreed to talking, she's probably just happy he's going to be out of her flat if he's crying so much.

I decided to go see Aubrie since he won't be here for a while. I needed to see her. I miss her so much.

As I got to the hospital a nurse asked if I was okay and if I needed to see a doctor. I must look worse than I thought.
I didn't think I looked that bad before I left but, I also didn't pay much attention.
I brushed through my hair quickly and didn't bother straightening it, put my glasses on instead of my contacts, and threw on one of Dans jumpers.

I reached her room and heard something that made my heart skip a beat. Dan.

I waited outside her room to hear what he was saying before walking in.
"I messed up Aubs, I ruined the best thing to ever happen to my life all because I'm selfish. He hates me. I know he does. I don't blame him, I hate myself too. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but I needed someone to talk too."
"It's okay, I would rather you talk to me about it than hurt yourself and end up in here or worse. I just don't understand why you did it. You love Phil. It's so obvious just by looking at you both around each other. You need to make this right Dan. You can't lose him." I shot up once I heard her voice. She's awake!

I walked in without trying to be obvious that I was listening and ran to her too hug her.

"Aubrie!! You're awake!" I couldn't hold back the excitement and smile.
"Phil!!" I felt her smile
"I missed you so much. When did you wake up?!" I sat next to her without even looking at Dan.
"This morning, I woke up to him explaining some recent events." she looked at Dan then back to me.
"Oh, yeah.." I looked at Dan then down at my hands.

"Look, I know I don't know everyones side of the story but what I do know is that you two love each other more than anything in this world. You need to talk about it. Not talking damages it more than anything else."

I know she's right. I look up at her and smile nodding before looking at Dan.
"I want you out by tonight," I lean over and kiss her on the forehead then turn to leave. "I know Pj has an open room." then I left.

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