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I head home after leaving Phils flat with hate and worry taking over me. I'm mad at myself but also at Dan.
He never mentioned that Phil was setting up an adoption so they can be a family, it just made me feel worse for all of this. I never should have kept this going. I never should have kissed him in the first place. Lust took over and it went from there. Destroying relationships along the way.

I knew we should have stopped once I proposed to Chris, but we never did. Sleeping with him when Chris was just in the next room was just as stupid. It was almost like we wanted to be caught.

All I know is that I lost Chris for good now because I'm an idiot. Not only did we ruin the love we both had from our boyfriends, but we also ruined the best frienships we ever had.
We were the 'fantastic foursome' according to every one of our fans. Now how are we going to explain this to all of them? Maybe we can continue it for them. It's highly doubtful though..

As Pj continued walking home he heard someone yelling his name from behind him. Pj turned around and seen the face he wanted to destroy.

"Pj! Wait up!" Dan ran up too him.
"No. Get away from me, Dan. Please." I turned back around and continued walking.
"You're not the only one who lost someone back there Pj! Stop acting like I'm the only one who did this!"
"I know that Dan! My face screams it too! Did you forget Phil punched me in the face because of it? He should have kept going. I wouldn't have stopped him. Hell, if Riley was out of jail I would go to him just so he can pound my face in."
"Why would you want that Peej?" Dans voice was low enough to be a whisper.
"Why did I want you, Dan?"

After Pj said those words they hit Dan in the heart and he dropped to his knees. Dan finally realized Pj never loved or wanted him. He was just using him for a good time. Dan finally realized he messed up the best thing to ever happen too him.

Pj didn't bother to turn around after hearing Dan drop and begin to sob. He knew what they had before the cheating scandal had happened died. They will never have the same friendship again.
Pj finally got home and decided to take a shower. Before getting in he tried calling Chris, but as he predicted there was no answer.

He climbed into the shower but sat down instead and began sobbing.

Pj ended up falling asleep against the shower wall shortly after getting in. He woke up to a very panicked Chris.

"Chris?" he said softly.
"Oh god, are you okay Pj?!" Chris pulls him into his arms wrapping a towel around Pjs waist.
"Yeah, I just fell asleep I guess. Why are you here? I thought you hate me."
"I don't hate you, I just don't like you right now. I seen you called me but when I answered you didn't say anything and so I tried calling back a couple times and began to get worried so I came to see if you were okay."
"Oh. I'm, I'm okay love."
"Can you not call me that please. It just brings images into my head that I want to forget."

Chris moves Pj out of his arms and begins to stand up before feeling Pj grab his hand.
"Please. Stay. We need to talk Chris."
Chris looks away then back at Pj and nods before sitting back down.

"I know you don't believe it and I don't blame you, but I truly am sorry Chris. I don't know if this changes anything but it never meant anything to me.."
"Yes it did Pj. If it didn't, you would have stopped long ago. I believe that you love me but it's not the way I love you. It's obvious you love him."
"No, I love you more than anything! How can you say that?"
"Because if you loved me like you say, you would have stopped after we got engaged Pj. If you truly loved me you would have stopped."
"I risked jail for you! I saved your life! How can you say that!"
"With Dan. I appreciate everything you've done for me Pj, but this is the final line. We can not be repaired after this. There's been to many wrongs in our relationship that it's hard to think of any rights."
"Fine. I tried to fix this but you don't want it. Leave."

Chris stood up to leave.

"I love you and would love to marry you, you're just not ready to be serious with me." Chris then left Pj alone in the bathroom.

I arrived at Louises flat since she is letting me stay with her. We stayed up all night talking about what happened.
"I know you don't want to lose him, Dan. I know he doesn't want to lose you either. Trust me, I know. If that man was not head over heels with you, it never would have hurt him like it is. He never would have contacted me about setting up an adoption for you both."
"He didn't even want kids, Louise."
"Really? He said he wanted a girl and that he wanted it with you. We found one with brown curly hair and blue eyes. She looks like she came from you both."
"What's her name?" Louise wiped a tear from my cheek.
"Skylar Rose." she's eight months old.

I knew I messed up but hearing what Louise was telling me a out the baby, made me want to die. I ruined the best thing for someone who used me.

"Fix this Dan. She can be on the waiting list for up too two months then other families could have her. You and Phil need each other. You two are soul mates. Yeah, this is a bump in the road but what relationship doesn't have some problems?"
I cuddled into her and felt myself begin to fall asleep. She's right, she's always right.
"Get some sleep Dan. In the morning we'll talk more okay? Darcy is going to her nanas so it'll be just us. Good night Dan." she kisses the top of my head and I sit up so she can go to bed.
"Good night Louise. Thank you." she hands me a duvet and pillow then heads to her room.
I cry myself to sleep.

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