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I feel safe with Phil. This kept repeating in my head until he talked again.
"We're close to the school, are you ready?"
"Honestly, yes. I'm not even upset anymore. I think I needed this."
He smiled as I said this, he must have been able to tell that I was a depressed little shit on the plane.
"I can tell. Your eyes lightened up." he said with a smile.
"They did?" I touch my cheek and smiled a little bit.
"Yeah. That means you're happy. When we met on the plane they were so dark."
"Maybe you're the reason they lightened up. You made me feel better."
"I have a way with that" he giggled a little and pointed out the window.
The school looks like an old castle, maybe it was once. It's so beautiful.
We pulled infront of the school and the cabbie stopped. I see a sign next to a walk path that read : Lands Border
Nothing else, just the school name.
Phil paid the cab after we got our bags out and thanked him. After he did, he turned to me and grabbed my hand.
I'm glad I have Phil with me to help me with paperwork and to find my dorm. He was like a perfect older brother.
"PHIL!!!" A boy with a brown fringe dressed in all black ran up to Phil and practically jumped into his arms.
Phil had no choice but to release my hand so he could catch the guy. This must be the friend he was talking about who attends here. I couldn't help but smile at the two of them.
"Hi love" Phil was muffled by the boys sweater due to it covering his face from him jumping into Phils arms.
"I'm so happy you're back. I missed you so much!" he then kissed Phil.
After their kiss he jumped down and looked at me. He started blushing and covered his mouth to hide his embarrassed smile.
"Dan, this is Aubrie. Aubrie, this is Dan. My boyfriend."
I smiled and put my hand out to shake Dans hand.
"Nice to meet you, Dan." I'm not totally sure but I think I'm jealous.
"Nice to meet you too, beautiful." he smiled at me then looked at Phil.
"I got your message, all she needs to do is sign the enroll paper that says she's here and pick up her key. All her stuff is already waiting in her dorm." Dan told Phil while glancing at me every few seconds.
"Okay. Lets get her to it." Phil turned to me and smiled. He grabbed Dans hand this time, which made me kinda sad.
We walked through the big heavy wooden doors that brought us into the school. A woman who looked to be in her forties welcomed us from behind a desk and noticed Dan.
"Is this the girl you were talking about, Mr. Howell?"
"Yes, Mrs. Oak. This is Aubrie-" he looked at me sort of confused.
"Aubrie what?" the woman asked.
"Aubrie Matthews." I answered nervously.
I filled out whatever she needed me too and finally received my key. C234 was engraved on the black keychain.
Phil helped me unpack as Dan sat on my new bed 'breaking it in' for me.
After we finished, I sat on the bed and checked my phone.
No new messages
No missed calls
No new notifications
10% battery left
I figured they would do this. I put my phone down next to me and looked down at my hands. I feel numb again.
Phil sat on the floor in front of me looking up at me. He figured it out and pulled me onto his lap. I broke down once he pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you for being my friend, Phil. I'm glad I met you." I managed to get that out between sobs.
"Don't worry, I won't leave you. I'm glad we met too."
I looked up at him and he wiped my cheeks from the tears that took over. I turned to look at Dan who then joined us on the floor.
"Don't worry, we're here for you." he smiled and I noticed his dimples. Same place as mine.
Dan joined our hug but shortly after announced that he had to wee.
When he came back he saw that I had fallen asleep in Phils arms.
"I'm gonna stay with her tonight to make sure she's okay. I saw something on the plane and I'm not leaving her to add to it." Phil said over his shoulder to his lover.
"Slumber party!" Dan yelled in a whisper.
Phil laid me in to the bed and removed my shoes then covered me up. He then made a bed on the floor for himself and Dan.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy the story so far. Its been fun writing. If you want me to add anything or have requests let me know!

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