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Aubrie POV
Phil walked in and smiled as he seen how red I must have been.

"You must be Hannah!" he said as he walked towards her with a hand out to shake hers.
"Yeah! I just need to say that I am a huge fan of both you and Dan. You two are amazing." she shook his hand and looked at me and smiled.
"Well thank you! It's always nice to meet someone who loves our work." he smiles at her and heads for the kitchen.

I walk towards the dining table and set our supplies up and turn to Hannah and notice she was already looking at me smiling.

"I need to grab something from the kitchen then we'll get started okay? You can start if you want, I'll be right back." She nods and walks towards the table.

I walk into the kitchen and see Phil sitting on the counter on his phone.
"You do know you need to be careful with her coming here because of how much of a fan she is."
"I know that Phil, she already said she's not like that. She got really hurt because I told her not to use me just to come over here for you guys."
"Wow. Way to be gentle about it, sis." he laughed a little before jumping down and walking to make his tea. "Now I can't be loving to my boyfriend when she's over just to be sure."

"I'm sorry, I really did not know until we got here that she knew about you guys." he walks over to me and hugs me.
"It's okay, I'm just being cautious."
"Why so much though?" I look up at him as he hugs me a bit tighter.
"Because I already seen you get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt again."
"But it was over kissing Eva not you guys."
"I know, but still." he let go as the kettle began to beep letting us know it was done.

I grab the paint brushes from a drawer and walk back to Hannah to see her concentrated on her painting.

I walk up to her putting the brushes next to her on the table and sit down, grabbing my canvas and begin sketching.

The idea is to paint how we feel towards our partner by painting a scenery and using colors to represent if you love, like, aquainted, or dislike them.

Reds and pinks are for love, pinks and peach like colors are for like, yellows and blues are for aquainted, and deep purples and black are for dislike. I knew I had to chose the prettiest pinks and peach colors to capture it well.

We worked for over an hour without saying a word to each other because of how concentrated we were on our pieces. I looked over to see hers and couldn't help but smile. She was using the same colors but made them blend so well.

We finished our pieces and were sitting facing each other to show one another our finished work.

"Ready?" asked Hannah as she bit her lip.
"Okay, go!"

We turned the canvases around and both smiled.

"Is this how we are telling each other?" Hannah said while smiling at me.

"I believe so." I smiled back and put my canvas back on the table and she did the same.

Hannah has the most amazing smile I have ever seen and I could never get tired of seeing it.

Just as I was about to say something, she jumps into my lap and kisses me. I felt my heart begin to race and I could not be happier. She pulls back and smiles biting her lip.

"Aubrie, would you like to go out with me?"

-A/N Now if anyone is confused, it has been a month since she has been out of the hospital and back at school. She has liked Hannah since and that is why Hannah has asked her out-

Hannah and I have been playing Legend of Zelda for over an hour after we finished our pieces. She has to leave soon so we've been playing games and talking about everything that happened in the game.
Just as we were getting ready to start Just Dance, her phone began to ring.

"I'm sorry babe, my mom is here. I'll see you tomorrow gorgeous." she kisses me and heads for the door grabbing her bag on the way.

She left her piece here to dry and since she has a cat she didn't want to risk it walking along it and messing it up.

Shortly after Hannah left, Dan came home from work and seen me playing Mario Kart by myself. He went into his room to say hi to Phil then came back out to the lounge and sat next to me. 

"Phil told me about the girl. I know he can be highly overprotective but he is only like that because we don't want you hurt and we're not out yet with our relationship so he just wants to be sure nothing gets out, you know?" He puts an arm around me and kisses the side of my head. I pause the game and look at him.

"Yes, I know Dan. You guys have no reason to worry. I actually hurt her feelings because I told her not to use me to come over and hang out because of you guys. She was literally about to cry because of it. I also found out she likes me too, and she asked me to be her girlfriend." He smiled at me. Dan was the only one I talked to about my crush on Hannah.
"I said yes!" He jumped up with his hands above his head as if he had just won a game against Phil.
"That's my girl!" He then tackled me onto the couch and we rolled off. I landed next to him and he landed on the coffee table. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Phil!!! Get in here!!" Dan yelled out still laying on the table and me still on the floor.
Phil ran into the lounge thinking something was wrong and startled to giggle at the sight. 
"Yes dear?" 
"She said yes!!!" I sat up looking confused then remembered Dan tells Phil everything unless you make him pinky swear not to tell a soul. 

"Finally!!!" I was tackled to the floor again, this time by Phil.

"How about instead of tackling me, we play some Mario Kart so I can kick Dans ass again." I say while Phil was climbing off of me.
"That was one time! I'll win for sure this time!" Dan said while giving me a look of death. He is serious about Mario. 

Since the incident happened and everything else between the guys, Phil and Pj have stayed friends and it looks like nothing ever happened between them. I love it, that's what best friends are supposed to do!  Phil called Pj and Chris to come over to play, they'll be here soon. 

"Why don't you guys just film it and make a new Fantastic Foursome video? Everyone has been begging for one." I suggested to Dan while moving the coffee table so there would be more room for everyone. 
"I don't see why not!" Phil said coming back into the room holding a bowl of popcorn.
"Jeez Phil, is that all you eat?" I ask laughing as he looks at his bowl then pouts trying to hide it.
".....Yes...." He then whispers looking guilty. Dan and I then laugh as he looks guilty again at his bowl.


A/N: Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the last one! Two chapters in one day?? Nope! There will be another on the way. It's a 3 part because it would have been very long if I had left it as one.
Now if anyone is wondering who Hannah is, I got the idea of her from my very good friend whose name is Hannah. I wanted to have Aubrie meet someone who truly likes her but was having trouble picking a name and what she would look like and I thought she fit perfectly! 

Stay lovely! ~Dani

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