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Chris POV
Riley and the other guys surrounded me and smiled.
"Um, what's going on guys?" I asked looking around at them.
"We don't like fags. What you did to Riley was disgusting!" one said.
"Wait, what? Riley kissed me too."
"No I didn't. I would never kiss a dude." Riley said then pushed me.
"What are you talking about! You hit on me first and kissed me back!" I yelled back.
"No. I didn't." he was lying.. But why?
"Riley, is it time yet?" one asked as he popped his knuckles.
"Pete, we're getting there. James, Andrew, are you guys ready?" he smirked at me after asking them.
"Hell yeah."
"If you are not gay, then why did you text me saying you missed my lips?" I asked softly.
"I knew it would get you here." I felt my heart break even more after he said that.
I couldn't handle this anymore and tried to run but then felt a hand on my neck stopping me and throwing me hard on to the ground. I looked up and saw it was Riley. I could feel a tear run down my cheek and he laughed.
"Get him." he said and smiled as he stood up.

The others then jumped in kicking, punching and one even grabbed my hair then threw my head back down onto the ground.
"Told you we don't like gay guys! Especially ones who try us!" Andrew yelled then kicked me in the face.
They all laughed and backed up as Riley returned with a baseball bat. He smiled at me then grabbed me by my shirt to stand me up.
I couldn't stand straight because of how much pain I was in so I hunched over holding my stomach looking up at him.
"All this was because I'm gay and because I flirted back with you? Wow." then he hit me in the face with the bat.
I flew back and hit the floor after James moved. Riley then passed the bat to Pete who hit me several times while laughing. Pete then passed it to James who took a few swings then passed it to Andrew who did the same.
I eventually blacked out and wished they would just finish me off already. I'd rather be dead than keep going through this.

"Okay, he's out. That's enough. Now lets move him. I don't want more blood all over." Riley said grabbing the bat to stop them.

They moved me to a park and placed me under a tree. Then left me. Left me for dead.
I woke up and could taste all the blood that was running into my mouth and the blood that was already in there. But who could tell.
I was able to move enough to get my phone out and make a phone call before I blacked out again.

We were all sitting next to a pond talking about a video we could do when my phone started ringing.
"Chris? Hello?" I could barely hear him.
"Chris?! What's wrong?!" I stood up and covered my ear hoping to hear him better.
"They..left..me..under..a..tree..please...hel..." then nothing.
"Chris! Chris answer me!" After a few seconds of no reply I hung up and turned back to everyone with tears running down my cheeks.
"Chris needs us. Now. Let's go!" I yelled helping them up.
"What? Where is he?" Phil asked panicking just as much as I was.
"I don't know. He said they left him under a tree then he stopped talking. We need to find him." I couldn't keep myself from crying so I stopped trying.
"Your app! Use the app that helps you find each other!" Dan said while we started to head in the way Chris left.
I took my phone back out and opened the app.
"He's this way!" we ran in the direction the app was saying he was and as we approached another park I could see his legs.
It was getting dark so it was hard to see in the park since the lights were really dull.
I ran up to him and stopped then dropped to my knees crying hard.
"Chris! No!" I yelled as I crawled up to him.
"Wake up Chris.. Please. It's me, Pj." I pulled him into my lap moving his hair from his face.
"What the hell?!" Phil yelled as they all finally reached us.
"Call the paramedics. Now!"
Phil then pulled his phone out and made the call.
"Chris.. Please wake up.. Don't leave me.." I could feel he was still breathing but they were low and struggled.
"Pj... Where's his phone?" Aubrie asked.
I seen it next to where he was laying originally and handed it to her without asking questions.
"Who is Riley..?" she asked almost in a whisper.
"Riley.. He was they guy he met at the party last night.. Why?" I looked up to her and sniffled.
"He texted Chris to go to his house saying he missed his lips and to go over." I looked back at Chris and looked at all the bruises and cuts that were covering his face, arms and legs. I could just imagine what the rest of his body looked like.
"I think he did this to him Peej.." she began crying.
"So do I.. Does it say where his house is?" I looked back at her and she nodded.
"Pj.. Don't go, you don't know if it was just him or if there was others." she sat next to me putting her hand on my shoulder.
"I have too. He's not getting away with doing this to him. He's going to pay for this Aubrie."
Phil and Dan ran back over to us with the paramedics behind them and pulling a bed with them.
They loaded Chris into the ambulance and left taking him to the hospital. The police were there asking us all questions and we told them all that we knew, which was nothing except for him calling me asking for help and us finding him unconscious.
After they left I looked at Aubrie and took his phone.
"Dan, I need you to come with me. We're not letting him get away with this. Phil, stay with Aubrie." I started to walk away when I felt a pull on my arm.
"Pj! Don't go! Tell the police. They will get him. Please. I don't want you to get hurt!" Aubrie was crying and it hurt seeing her so upset but I couldn't turn back now.
I hugged her and kissed the top of her then turned back to leave. Dan and I walked away and headed to Rileys.
"This mother fucker is going down." Dan said with anger in his voice.
I knew Dan was perfect to take with me since he does mma and I've seen him fight. He's vicious.
"You got that right, Dan." I said.
We approached his house and I banged on the door.
Riley opened it and smiled.
"Hey guys, the fags friend is here." he yelled back and we heard laughs.
When he looked back at us Dan punched him in the throat and he fell back onto the floor choking. Rileys friends ran up and saw us.
"Dan?" one said and backed away.
I looked at Dan and he shook his head no. I'm guessing they had fought before and Dan won.
The two other guys tried running up to us but we both kicked them in the ribs so they would fall back.
We moved into the house and I closed the door behind us and the fight was on.
"You guys think it's okay to almost beat a guy to death?! You bait him to come here then beat him? For what? Fun? No. You're going to pay!" I yelled at them.
"We beat his ass because we don't like gay guys who try to make a move on us!" one yelled back.
"You mean like how Riley was all over Chris? I caught him kissing Chris last night!"
Riley was slowly getting up with help from the guy that recognized Dan.
"I did not!" Riley yelled
"Bullshit!" I yelled back and pushed him causing the other guy to fall.
Riley and I started fighting until the other guy got up and jumped in. I managed to kick the shit out of the other guy, Andrew, to the point he couldn't get up.
Riley was much stronger.
Dan was taking the other two without a problem.
I saw a bat and grabbed it.
I knew they used it on Chris because there was fresh blood on it. I smiled and hit Riley in the back of his knee.
Riley dropped to his knees yelling in pain and I swung hitting him in the face making him fall to the ground. Unconscious. I smiled and dropped the bat.
I ran over to help Dan but saw he had them both on the ground. He kicked one, Pete, in the face twice so I ran up and kicked the other, James, in the nose.
Dan walked over to Andrew and laughed. Then kicked him in the face.
"He's an ex... Deserved this." Dan said walking to the door and I followed.
Once he opened the door the police were running to the door.
"Oh fuck.." I said while putting our hands up.

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