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"Phil!" Aubrie yelled out before seeing him leave. "Fix this. Now!" she yelled at me as I began to sit down.
I felt my heart shatter inside of my chest and the pain was too much. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I looked up to her and nodded then ran after Phil.

He was walking fast, almost in a jog, obviously trying to get away from me. I finally caught up too him and grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

"Phil. Stop. We need to talk." I was trying to catch my breath between each word even though it felt impossible, I managed to gain control of my breathing.

"What is there to talk about anymore, Dan?"
"Everything. I don't want to leave, I don't want us to be done. I want to fix everything. For Skylar." I knew I hit something, once I said her name he stood still and his eyes went wide.
"Sky...Skylar? Louise told you about her?! Why!"
"Because I asked. She was going to be mine too, Phil. I still want her too be mine. Too be ours! She deserves a home. A family! We can give that to-"
"Don't try to change my mind by using her against me. I'm not going to just take you back because of a child. Prove to me you want me, that you want everything you said. A family, a life with me for the rest of our being. I was able to prove it too you everyday. Are you able to-"
"Yes! Yes I can!"
"Fine. I'm giving you a week." I moved closer to hug him but he put a hand up. "Not yet. I'm not ready."

I watched as he walked away but I didn't feel sad anymore. I felt happy, I'm going to have him back. I know I can win him back and prove that I love him and want everything with him. I went back to tell Aubrie everything and ended up staying to have lunch with her.

Chris POV
I laid in bed debating on calling Pj or not for over an hour. I finally grew a pair and decided to call him.

"Oh hey."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been such a dick. I should have stayed with you last night."

I can tell he was confused because I did nothing wrong, he told me too leave and I did.

"You weren't, I was. I shouldn't have told you to leave. I wanted, no I needed you to stay. I truly am sorry, Chris. Please believe that." I hear him crying but trying to hide it.
"I do.. I do Pj. I want to forgive you. I really do. Come over."
"I'll be right there." he hangs up and I smile.

I know I shouldn't forgive him so easily because it's just setting myself up to be hurt again but this is hurting me just as much. I love him, deep down I know he does too.
You don't go through everything we've been through and still want them at the end of the day. You don't cheat on them either, but still. What we have is real.
Pj arrives ten minutes after hanging up with me and instead of walking in, he knocks.
I answer the door and see him waiting holding a single rose with a ribbon tied around it. Inside of the ribbon I see something shine and easily catches my attention. I look at him and smile as he is getting down onto one knee.

I feel my heart become whole again and nod while saying yes.
"Yes Pj!" he jumps up and hugs me.
"I'm so sorry baby! I swear I will never hurt you again. Please believe that." I hug him tighter.
"I do. I love you."
"I love you too, Chris. So much."

We ended up watching movies all night and falling asleep together. It felt right again.

Hey guys!! Sorry for the short chapter, promise the next one will be longer:)
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to leave a vote or comment if you'd like.
-Dani ^~^

SimpleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora