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I sat back looking at Chris and how the spark in his eye was there. He loved me, I knew that for sure now. But is it to late? I really like Aubrie, but do I want to lose Chris? I really need to talk to Phil..
"What's on your mind my favorite explorer?" Chris asked squeezing my hand.
"I'm just, confused." I couldn't lie to him.
"About what?" I can tell he knew what it is but he just didn't want to say it.
"I don't know what I want Chris. I love you, but I like her too. I'm sorry.."
"Don't be.. I shouldn't have said anything because you wouldn't be feeling this way if I kept my mouth shut-"
"Chris, I was feeling like this even before anything was said. That's why I was so upset at the party, I was planning on kissing you there and blaming it on being drunk. That's why I said it was supposed to be me doing that to you, not him. It's also why I risked getting my ass beat and risked jail. For you. I would have done it no matter what but I did it even more because I love you." I seen he was crying again but this time, he was smiling.
"I love you so much Pj, but you need to get this figured out. You're just going to hurt yourself." he let go of my hand and wiped his eyes.
"It's going to hurt someone no matter what Chris.."
"Do you even know how she feels about you?" just as he said that, Phil, Dan and Aubrie walked in.

Phil POV
"Do you even know how she feels about you?" I heard Chris say as we walked in from lunch.
I know how she feels about Pj, we talked about it over lunch. I don't know if I should say anything now or wait.

"Um, can I say something? Please" Aubrie said while walking up to Chris and Pj.

"Of course." Chris said.
"I know how you feel towards me Pj, and the kiss was what really proved that you like me. But I don't want you to get your hopes up. I like you, but not in the way you want me too. I'm not ready for a relationship right now. I just want to focus on school and my photography. I'm sorry I'm saying this in front of everyone but they already know. They helped me figure it all out. Please don't hate me." Pj just smiled and I felt like I wanted to puke.
"Thank you. I don't hate you, I don't think that's possible. I agree now with you Phil. I don't think the kiss counts since she was pretty much asleep." we all laughed and watched as he sat up and pulled Chris into his arms.

"I'm sorry about everything we've been putting each other through, what I did to you, and this. I love you so much, do you still want to be with me?"
"Hell yeah I do!" Chris yelled.
"Chris Kendall, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"
"You bet I will." they both smiled at each other and then kissed.

"Fuck yeah!" Dan said as he threw his hands in the air.

Aubrie POV
It was the best thing to see. I knew I did the right thing by lying about my feelings towards Pj but I knew this was better for him. I just didn't think it would make feel this bad.

"I gotta start heading home, I start tomorrow so I need to get my stuff together and make sure I get some sleep so I don't look like a corpse. I love you guys!" I made my rounds on hugging them all and headed for the door.
"Sis, want us to walk you?" Phil asked stopping me.
"No, it's okay. I know my way home from here. You should stay here and celebrate with them." I gave him a smile that could show I'm okay.
"Okay, well text me when you get there. Be careful. Love you!" he hugged me then joined Dan, who was staring at me like he knew something was wrong.

Chris POV
I couldn't be happier than I am right now. I finally have Pj back and I get to go home.

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