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A/N I decided to put a flashback before the chapter to explain some stuff so there's no confusion. Enjoy.


Phil and I are at my parents visiting since it's been 1 year since my brother committed suicide. They think it's a good idea to have us all together again, basically celebrating my brothers life. I don't really like being here, especially if this is the reason but I know it would hurt them if I were to say no. I just force myself not to break out in an anger fit because of something my dad says.

After dinner Phil and I went up to my room to play some video games, we've been together for almost 6 years now and my parents still have no clue. I swear they never pay attention when I'm around. 

We sit in my room and get Sonic going when I get up to change into some sweats and a looser t-shirt. I have my back to Phil when I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he places gentle kisses on my neck. I smile and place my hand on top of his. 

Phil turns me to face him and I do. He kisses me and smiles.

"Why are you being so shy? I just want to kiss you... I know better than to do anything else while we're here." he says as he looks down.

"I know Phil, I'm just nervous if one will walk through. I want to kiss you too but I think we should wait until they're in bed before doing any of that. Just to be on the safe side." As I'm saying all of this I can see he's getting upset.

All I wanna do is hold him and kiss him and love him all over but we can't. Not here anyway.

"Fuck it." I grab him by the waist as he looks up at me and I kiss him. 

We start making out and he pushes me on to the bed without leaving my lips. I know this is very risky but this is what I live for. This man has saved me more than I can count and if he wants too be loved, he's getting it. 

Just as we continue, I stop to remove his shirt then bring him back to my lips and keep kissing him. I never even heard the bedroom door open.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU WERE JUST LIKE YOUR DAMN BROTHER! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS IN MY HOUSE. GET OUT! " my dad yelled as he began throwing this around in the room. 

"Dad, I was going to tell you but you were like this when Damian told you he had a boyfriend too! How am I supposed to tell you something knowing how you are going to react too it?" I run after him as he walks out of the room.

"You both leave or he leaves and you stay here and mourn with us without him. You pick."

"We're leaving." I walk back into the room and begin to pack our bags. After we're packed, we leave to head to the train station. 

----End flashback---

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