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It came to the end of the day and I was putting away the paint that the kids were just using. I helped clean their hands and helped them get their stuff together so they would be ready when their parents came to pick them up.

"Bye Mister Dan!" one of the little girls, Lizzie said.
"Bye sweetie! See you tomorrow!"

All the kids were ready and sitting in a circle on the floor listening to nursery rhymes.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up James." a man I haven't seen before was said as he walked up to me.
"Are you his dad?" I asked pulling out James' folder to see if anyone else was listed as pick up.

"Yes. My name is Graham. Come on James!" he grabbed James stuff from his cubby and waited as James slowly walked up to him.
"Okay, you need to sign him out." I handed him the folder and he signed it.
"Bye Mister Dan." James waved and walked out with his dad.

After 10 minutes Aubrie finally walked in, smiling.

"Seems like someone had a good day today." I smiled as I helped Stephanie into her sweater.

"I did actually. I met an amazing girl." she sat at my desk.


After the kids all were picked up, I noticed one little boy was still waiting at a table.

"Hey Grant, do you know who is picking you up today?" I asked sitting next to him.
"My sissy." he was really shy.

Just as he said it, a girl came in.
"I'm so sorry Grant!" she ran up to him and hugged him.

"You gotta sign him out, he has a couple things in his cubby too." I pointed to the wall that had the cubbys.
She signed him out and before she walked out she turned to look at my desk.

"Aubrie?!" she smiled.

Aubrie looked up and pulled off her headphones.

"Eva?!" she jumped up and walked up to her and hugged her.

I wonder if that's who she was talking about. They talked for a bit before Eva said she had to go and they hugged again.

"Is that the one you were talking about?" I asked and smiled.

"Yes. She's gorgeous." I couldn't disagree. She is very pretty.
"Yes, she's pretty. Come on, I gotta lock up. Plus Phil texted me saying Pj came over. I want to know what happened." I grabbed my jumper and put it on.

"I hope Phil told him what happened. I don't think Chris has talked to him since." Aubrie grabbed her bag and we headed out.

Aubrie POV
We started to head to his flat when I got a text.
(Chris, Aubrie)

Hey Aubs, are you busy?
Just heading home with Dan. You okay?
Yeah, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over?
Sure. I'll be there in a few.
Thank you xx

"Hey Dan, Chris wants me to go over. I'll be home later, okay?"
"Oh, okay. Well let us know when you're on your way home please." he gave me a hug and I headed for Chris'.

I knew Chris has been upset and needed someone to talk too. I'm glad he trusts me enough for me to be that person for him.

It only took 10 minutes to get to his flat. I knocked twice before he quickly opened the door.

"Hey Aubrie!" he hugged me and then let me in.
"Hey Chris." he grabbed my bag and put it on the couch.

"You okay?" I asked. He seems different.
"I-yeah. I just needed someone to talk too." we sat on the couch.

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