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Aubrie POV
I felt myself start to fall asleep so I curled up next to Chris but was careful to not lay on any severe damage or his IV. I wrapped my arm around him and closed my eyes. I was hoping my warmth would give him some comfort.
I felt his hand twitch and grab my other hand. I lifted my self with the hand that was wrapped around him and looked to see his eyes slowly start to open.
"Chris.." I felt my eyes start to water.
"A..Aubrie?" his eyes opened and he blinked a couple times then looked at me.
"Oh my god! Yes, yes it's me!" I said sitting up. I leaned over and hugged him.
I felt his hand lift and wrap around my back to hug me back.
"I'm so glad you're awake. I missed you so much!" I kissed his cheek and kept hugging him.
"I missed you too. Where... Where's Pj..?" he asked with some short of breath.
"Phil went to go get him. He'll be here soon. I didn't go because I wanted to stay here with you incase you woke up. And you did." I couldn't help but smile. I sat up and moved hair from his face and he smiled back.
"Okay. I'm glad you stayed." He was full of smiles.
"I need to go get the doctor, I'll be right back okay?" I got up and walked to the door and went out to get him. I pulled my phone out and dialed for Phil.
"Did you get them?"
"Yeah, we're heading up right now."
Just as Phil said that, the elevator door opened and they walked out. I ran over to them and hugged them all. I had the biggest smile that could not be broken.
"Did he wake up?" Phil asked looking at me with a confused look. Probably because I was smiling so much.
I shook my head in agreement and Pj ran to his room. Phil followed but Dan stayed with me.
"I need to find the doctor, want to come with me?" I asked.
"Sure." he looked so distant.
"What's wrong?" we started walking to find the doctor.
"I don't know how to feel about several things. I'm happy Chris is alive and fine don't get me wrong, but I don't know how to feel about other things and not sure how to tell Phil." he ran his hand through his hair and sighed.
"There's the doctor. Lets tell him about Chris then we can go find somewhere to talk." we approached the doctor and told him Chris is awake and if he could tell them we went to the cafeteria. He nodded and went to go see Chris.
Dan and I went to the cafeteria and sat far away from anyone so nobody could over hear anything.

"So what's going on Dan?"
"One of the guys that attacked Chris was my ex boyfriend. I don't think the other guys knew that he is gay. They probably would have done the same to him or not hang with him at all. I made sure Pj didn't attack him much because I wanted to beat the hell out of him myself." I could see the anger in his eyes as he was explaning.
"I don't know how to feel about it now. He wasn't fighting back or at all after he saw me in the door way with Pj. He didn't even try to fight me back or tried to tell me to stop. It's like he wanted me to hurt him." he looked down at his hands. They were bruised and his knuckles were busted open.
"Dan, you did what you had to do. He helped them hurt Chris. Maybe you're hurting about it because he is an ex boyfriend. Did you love him?"
"I... I don't think I did. I know I love Phil but I didn't feel like this about Andrew."
"I don't think you did. I think you're just upset because he did it. We never really stop caring about certain people Dan. That's what I think is going on. You still care about him even though you two haven't been together." I smiled at him hoping to help.
"Yeah.. He was the one who broke us up. The day after my brother died too. He told me he couldn't handle how upset I was and that we should just be friends. The time I needed someone the most and he leaves. Of course he didn't mean the friends thing because he started hanging with those guys. If they found out he was friends with the gay guy and was gay himself than who knows what could have happened. I have Phil now though. I met him at a time I needed him most and I couldn't be happier. You were right yet again sis." he smiled and hugged me.
"I'm always right!"

We went back to Chris' room and Dan ran up to give him a hug. Pj came up to me and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you for being with him Aubrie." Pj broke away and rubbed my cheek then kissed it.

"Aub.. Aubrie. Come here missy." Chris managed to say without stopping from trouble.
"Yes sir." I giggled and sat next to Chris.
"Do I still look sexy?" he smiled
"Of course you do! Nothing could ruin that." I rubbed his hand and he laughed.
"Oh good."

"I'm sorry everyone but visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow at 9 am." a nurse said while holding a tray of medicine cups.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?" I said and kissed his cheek.
"Pj and I have community service tomorrow but we'll be here after we're done." Dan said and hugged him before following me.
"I love you. I'll see you tomorrow." Pj told him and kissed his cheek.
"I love you too." Chris said while smiling.
Phil hugged him and said he would come back with me in the morning.

Pj asked if he could stay the night with me since it was closer to the day care so I agreed.
We stayed up until 2 am talking about random things and how happy he is that he and Dan didn't get in trouble.

"Hey Aubs. Is it okay if I slept up here with you?"
"Yeah, that's fine." I covered my leg up more so he couldn't see what was on it. But it was to late.
"You shouldn't do that.. You're to beautiful to damage yourself like that Aubrie." he moved the blanket and ran his finger over the cuts.
"I. Phil and Dan said they would help me stop. I haven't done it since I was still at home. The day before I met Phil actually." I smiled a bit at the thought of when I met him.
"Your arm too?" I looked at him confused.
"It's only obvious. You wear a jumper all the time and always make sure your sleeves are down. Damian did the same thing.."
"Who's Damian?" I asked while playing with my sleeve.
"He was my boyfriend before Chris. I loved him so much. I thought I was helping save him too but I guess not.. He killed himself. The day he did he came to my house and told me how much he loved me. We ended up making love and after we cuddled for an hour he said he had to go home to see his brother. That was the last I saw of him." he was crying softly.
Finally it hit me.. Pj dated Dans brother. That must be how they became friends.
"Dans brother?" I asked softly.
"Yeah... Did he tell you about it?"
"Yeah, when he talked to me about my cutting. He didn't tell me his name or that you two were together. He just told me how he was trying to help him get better and how he found him.."
"I was with him when he found him. I'm sorry, can we change the subject please." he wiped his face and looked at me.
I nodded and smiled back.
We laid down on my bed and I began falling asleep. I closed my eyes.
Pj rolled over facing me and pulled me closer to him. I put my arm around him thinking it was nice to cuddle with someone for once. I felt myself begin to fall asleep more and more.
Pj traced his finger along my cheek and I smiled a little then, out of no where, his lips met mine. Pj kissed me.
Then, I fell asleep.

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