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~Two weeks later~
Chris finally got his stiches out and his bruises pretty much disappeared. Looking in the mirror made him happy now instead of disappointed and upset.

Phil still visits Aubrie everyday in the hospital, she finally woke up but hasn't said anything about what happened yet. In fact, she really hasn't said anything to anyone since that day it happened.

Dan continues to work at the day care along with Pj. Although he is still worried about Aubrie, he tries not to show it at the day care. Dan knows it's best to hide it there rather than show it around the little ones.

Pj has had a hard time copeing with what happened to Aubrie but hides it well. When Chris is at his own flat, he stays awake and cries. He's not exactly sure why he is having such a hard time with it, until it hit him. He never had a chance to cope with Damian, so now that this is happening, all of the emotions he's held in since Damian are coming out.

Aubrie POV
It's been two weeks since my accident and Phil still comes everyday to see me. I know what he wants but I can't say anything yet.
I found out I'll be able to go home tomorrow, Phil doesn't know that yet though. At least I'm sure he doesn't know yet. He talks to the doctor and nurses a lot so they could have told him.

"Aubrie, can we please talk about it?" Phil asked while sitting next to me.
"Phil, it was an accident.. I promise. I was just upset, I had a message from my parents saying they were moving but didn't tell me where. They said they would still pay for me to stay here. They don't want me, it shows. My parents have always made sure it showed. I was just super upset and the thing with Chris and Pj didn't help. I want someone to love me like how they love each other or how you and Dan love each other." I felt his hand grab mine to comfort me.

"You do have people who love you and want you, Aubrie. We all took you in without even knowing who you were. We love you so much, we all were so upset and worried when we found out what happened. Luckily, Pj and Dan didn't get bad again though. Dan kept telling himself that you were just taking a super long nap and Pj kept telling himself you were sick and in bed. If you want, you can stay at my place until you feel you're ready to be back at your dorm."

"Okay, that sounds good. Um, Phil? Who found me though?" I asked nervously.
"Dan. He followed you back after you left the hospital. He said he had a funny feeling from how you looked before you left. Good thing he did too or you wouldn't be alive."
"Oh shit. He shouldn't have seen me like that, after what he told me about his brother. Oh man, I need to apologize to him."
"Aubrie, you shouldn't have done it at all. You could have told me what was going on and I would have stayed with you to help you. We're like brother and sister remember? It's what we do." he smiled at me and moved some hair from my face.

"I love you."
"I love you too, Aubs."

Next day

Phil helped me get ready to leave and to sign paperwork. The doctor asked if he could keep a close eye on me to make sure I'm stable enough to be home yet.
"She will be staying with me so I can do that. No worries, we already talked and planned this, sir. Thank you for taking care of my sister."

We got to his flat and as we walked in I was attacked with hugs from Pj, Chris, and Dan.

"WELCOME HOME AUBRIE!" they all yelled together.

"Oh my goodness, what is this?" I asked smiling at the adorable faces in front of me.
"It's a welcome home party, silly." Phil said as he put my bag down on a chair at his breakfast bar.

"It's amazing, thank you guys." I hugged them all again, being careful of my arm.

I have to keep my arm wrapped for another two weeks.

We all sat around in the front room talking about random things and what video games are the best and which ones suck completely.
Pj looked different, like something was wrong. He didn't look like his happy self.

"Dan, can I talk to you please?" I asked as I followed him into the kitchen.
"Of course."
"I'm sorry about what you saw. Phil told me you followed me home and basically saved my life. I'm sorry about all of it. You shouldn't have seen any of it. I love you, but I know I hurt you from this and I-"
"Look, it's okay. He told me last night what happened. I'm okay though, Aubrie. It didn't hit me like Phil thought. Just please, next time you feel the need to do it, come to me. It's Pj we're worried about though. I don't think he fully healed from my brother.."

"I know, I can tell something is different about him."

Later that night, a drunken Pj admitted to everyone that he never got over Damians death and felt used because of what Damian did before killing himself.
"He makes love to me, then leaves me here alone! How messed up is that?!" he yelled.
"It's messed up yes, but at least he showed you he loved you before doing it." Phil said.
"Pj, you're not alone. You have me." Chris said trying to calm Pj down.

"Yeah, but I actually was in love with him." he pushed Chris off and headed for the bathroom.

"Pj! What the hell!" Dan yelled after him before getting the bathroom door slammed in his face.

I looked over at Chris and could see the heartbreak swelling in his eyes. Phil and I had no clue what to say.

Chris POV
"Yeah, but I actually was in love him."

I knew it. They say the truth comes out when you're drunk. And the truth hurt. More than what Riley and his friends did to me.

I looked over at Aubrie to see she was already looking at me. I felt she was the only one who could make me feel better. She was the one that was there for me when Pj yelled at me the first time we all were together.

I sat next to her and she hugged me. She knew I needed her, she could tell.

"It's okay, I'm here." she whispered in my ear.

Pj ended up passing out in the bathroom from how drunk he was. I ended up crashing in the guest room with Aubrie after talking with her. Dan and Phil were sleeping in their room.

Before I fell asleep, I leaned over to Aubrie and whispered to her, "thank you for being there for me. And thank you for actually being here, you had me scared."
Aubrie rolled over and hugged me. Then we fell asleep.

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