Chapter 62

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School ended, and I drove home.
We had decided to have everyone over for dinner that night.
"What do you guys want for dinner?" My grandma asked.
"PIZZA" we all said at the same time.
The pizza arrived 30 minutes later.
We all sat down to eat and someone rang the door bell. It was the old lady...
She sat at our table...
"CAILLOU" she yelled.
She made the table levitate and then she slapped everyone in the face and she left.
(Creds to: Storybrooke1988  for giving me that idea 😂)
I cleaned up after dinner, and Weston, Sophia, Hunter, Brandon, Ashton, Kalynn and I went upstairs.
I saw Sophia in the bathroom flushing tub toys down the toilet.
"What are you doing?" 😂 I said.
"Um.... 😂 flushing toys down the toilet." Said Sophia.
"You're bad" I said.
"No bitch, I'm queen savage" said Sophia.
"K" I said.
I went back into my room and Weston pinned me up against the wall and he started kissing me.
Brandon walked in.
"Dude" 😂 I said.
"YOU HOOKER" yelled Sophia.
"NUH UH" I yelled.
"YUH UH" said Sophia.
My mom and Weston's mom came upstairs.
"Stop making porn videos" said My mom.
We both looked at her and started laughing.
"Time to go hun, thanks for having us over Christine! 🙂 said Mrs. Koury.
"No Problem! You're always welcome here" 😊 said my mom.
Weston kissed me goodbye, and everyone went home.
Sorry for the boring chapter, I'll update in a little bit 😛
~Bailey 💕

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