Chapter 8

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"Go to your stations!!! We are learning about the rock cycle bitches!" She yelled.
"Rocks have periods??" Said Sophia.
Everyone looked at her with wide eyes and they went to their stations.
There were 2 minutes left of class and we started cleaning up.
I headed to math and sat in my seat.
"Did you hear about the tornado watch?!" Said Mark.
"Yeah I heard 😞" I said.
"Hopefully it happens when we get home and not while we're at school!" He said.
"Me too!!"
"Today is social day!! You may go around the room and talk to whoever you'd like" said the teacher.
"So, how's Weston?" 😏😂 said Mark.
"Um pretty good 😂 how's.... Wait who do you like?" I said.
Mark's POV~
Did she really just ask me that. OMGGGGG WTF.
Ugh idk what to say
I'll just say no one.
Bailey's POV~
"I don't like anyone" said Mark.
"Ohh okay!" I said.
"Guys, the principal wants us all to go into the gym" said the teacher.
We all walked into the gym and it was crowded!!
The principal took out his microphone and began to speak....
"School will be canceled until further notice, due to the tornado warning. I called the bus company and the buses will escort you home"
We grabbed our backpacks and went onto the bus.
The sky was dark and gloomy.
We all heard a loud roar of thunder.
I held onto Weston.
"It's okay baby girl" he said.
I buried my head in Weston's chest.
We finally got home and the sky was darker than before and the winds started getting stronger.
Everyone came over to mine & Sophia's house because it was the biggest.
Hunter brought his family and Weston brought his.
We all started getting prepared and we went into the basement.
Soon enough... The power went out.
Sophia, Weston, Hunter, and I built a fort to hide under before the storm hits.
The alarms started going off and we all went into the crawl space.
I was very surprised that we all fit in there. 😂
The storm was so freaking loud. There were mailboxes falling over, cars being picked up by the wind and being thrown at the ground. It was insane!!
The room started shaking and Ashton started crying. 😭😭
We heard Windows breaking and houses falling down.
I grabbed onto Weston.
Hey guys!!!!! How was school? 😝
                    ~Bailey 💖

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