Chapter 16

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I got off of the bus, hugged Weston goodbye, and went home.
(the next day)
I got up and started getting ready for school. Yay, another fun day of hell.
I rushed down stairs to grab some breakfast and I went down to the bus stop.
Sophia was talking to Hunter.
"hey guys"
The bus finally arrived and we drove off to school. These stupid bitches on the bus kept calling Sophia and I sluts.
I walked into school and everyone kept starring at Sophia & I and whispering.
"What the fuck are you all looking at?" Sophia and I yelled.
Everyone started laughing at us and the principal came out of his office...
"Ladies, get to the detention room immediately!!!"
At least the teacher was asleep, so Sophia and I could talk the whole time.
"Why was everyone starring at us and whispering?" I said.
"Because of what happened on the bus" said Sophia.
"how the hell does the whole school know already??? It just happened yesterday!" I said angrily.
"People were recording it and putting it on snapchat, Instagram, and whatever else" said Sophia.
"Ugh, seriously?" I said annoyed.
The principal came in the room to talk to us... This can't be good.
"Do you ladies know why you are in here?" He said.
"Because we swore in the hallway" Sophia said.
"Not only that, but you were making out with your boyfriends on the bus?" He yelled.
"Why the fuck do you care?" Yelled Sophia.
"Because you are on the schools property!!!!" He yelled.
"So?" I said.
"Oh now you wanna talk smart ass??" He yelled.
"It's a free country dumb fuck" yelled Sophia.
"You just have a stick up your ass because you're single" I said.
Shit... Did I just say that.. Haha oops.
"You both have detention for the next month, and I'm going to make it hell for you" he said
"What are you going to do?" said Sophia.
"I'm putting Ashley Brooks in here" he said.
"NOOOOOOOOO" I yelled.
Sophia and I about lost it.
"I'm literally going to have a bitch fit" I yelled.
Heyyyyy 🌚

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