Chapter 41

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OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K READS 😭❤️!!!! ILYSFM!!!!!!! AHHH IM SCREAMING!!! 😍😭❤️!! I never thought the story would get this far 😭!!
After we went swimming, we went inside to chill out for a little while.
I actually got a tan 😂😭.
We all took showers and then we went back outside.
"What do you guys wanna do??" Said Sophia.
"Bonfire?" I Said.
"YES." We all agreed.
"Um..... Does anyone know how to start a fire?..." Said Sophia.
"My dad does! Do you want me to go get him?" Said Weston.
"If he's okay with it, yeah!" Said Sophia.
Weston came back with his dad.
"Woah, That's a lot of girls Weston, nice going bud!" Weston's dad said as he gave him a pat on the back.
"Dad! I'm dating Bailey!" Said Weston.
"Haha, I know, I'm just messing with you" said Weston's Dad.
Weston's dad started the fire for us and Sophia and I went inside to grab the stuff to make smores.
"Bye guys, the chocolate is mine" I said.
"AW HELL NO!" Weston yelled as he chased me around the yard.
He grabbed me from behind and we fell onto the ground laughing.
I got up and went inside to grab a glass of water.
I saw Taylor and her group of bitches just walk right into my house.
"Um... Excuse me? You can't just walk into people's houses" I said.
"I'll do what I want bitch, where's Weston?" Said Taylor
"Get the fuck out, and none of your business, you can't have Weston" I said.
"The hell I can't" said Taylor.
She walked into my backyard and she grabbed Weston's hand.
"Let's go Weston" she said.
We all starred in confusion.
"Bailey, wtf is she doing here? How did she get in?!" Said Sophia.
"Idk! And she just walked in" I said.
"Wtf! Why didn't you lock the door?" Said Sophia.
"It's not my fault! My mom was the last one out of the house!" I said.
"You should have locked it as soon as she left!" Said Sophia.
"Omg" I said.
"Taylor, you need to leave" said Sophia.
"No" Taylor said as she was playing with Weston's hair.
"Get your hands away from Weston!" I yelled.
"Or else what?" She said.
I pulled her hair and I pushed her into the pool.
"I hope you drown, you dirty crab" I said.
Taylor got out of the pool and she finally left.
It reached 12:00 and it was too late for everyone to go home, so they all slept over.
Jason walked out of the bathroom.
"Did you use the urinal?" I asked.
"Um 😂 you don't have a urinal in your bathroom" said Jason.
"I know 😂 but remember at birthday dinner I asked you that when you walked out of the bathroom 😂." I said
"Omg! 😂 we were like 10" said Jason.
"Oh and remember when we went back to your house and played scream and you pretended that you were getting crushed by the garage 😂" said Jason.
"Oh my gosh 😂😂 Yes" I said.
"That sounds fun" 😂 said Blake.
"I found a sticker on the ground once" said Sophia.
"Do you still have it?" I asked.
"No" 😂 said Sophia.
"damnit mabel" I said.
"Um 😂" said Sophia.
"Now can I grab your butt?" Said Weston.
"Um 😂 not right now Weston 😂" I said.
"Let's just all grab each others butts" said Sophia.
"This isn't a rape party!" I yelled.
"But it could be" 😏 said Sophia.
"No No! Bad Sophie" I said as I poked her eye brow.
"You Hoe" said Sophia.
"thank you, it's what I'm known for... 😏 JKJK" I said.
"Okay exorcist" said Sophia.
"Remember when I spilled my ice on the floor in my room?" I said.
"Omg 😂😂😂 yes" said Sophia.
"Your guys' conversations are so entertaining!" 😂 Said Weston.
"Thanks!" I said.
Um I'm a turtle. 🌚🐢

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