Chapter 58

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Sophia and I ran down the hall to check what it was...
It was a man dressed in all black, standing by the exit door.
He smelled like he hadn't showered in months.
"Um... Hello?" Said Sophia.
He ran out of the building and he tripped down some steps.
Sophia and I were the only ones awake.
We started hearing fire alarms go off, and we ran back into the room.
It woke everyone up.
"Wtf is going on?" Said Jasmine.
Sophia and I were speechless.
"What happened baby?" Said Weston.
"We saw a man dressed in all black and then the alarms started going off..." I said.
"Just stay in here ❤️" said Weston.
I didn't listen... Because I was a fucking dumbass.
While everyone went back to sleep Sophia and I started investigating the hospital even more.
As we were walking around we heard children singing.
"Bailey, we need to go back to the room" said Sophia.
"Okay" I said.
All of the sudden we heard a chainsaw turn on.
Sophia and I started running so fast we didn't even know where we were going.
We hid in one of the surgery rooms.
Sophia started tearing up.
We heard the door knob turn and Sophia and I covered our mouths.
We were under a table with a bunch of boxes covering it.
We heard the guy with the chainsaw walk out of the room.
"Wtf is going on?" 😭 Sophia whispered.
"Idk 😭, but we need to leave" I said.
"What about Weston?" Said Sophia.
"Fuck. Um.... I'm sure he'll be okay, he only got bit by an emu 😂" I said.
"Okay, we need to get Weston and get out of here. This place is fucking creepy" Sophia whispered.
Sophia and I got up slowly.
We ran back to the room, and we woke everyone up.
Everyone looked so confused, but they started leaving anyway.
Weston grabbed my hand and we ran out of the building.
We started heading for the exit.
"It's locked!" Sophia yelled.
Hunter and Brandon kicked the door down and we ran out of the building.
We hid in the bushes just in case that chainsaw maniac came outside.
"Call an uber!" Sophia whispered.
"Okay" I whispered.
"Are you going to tell us what happened when we get back to the house?" Said Weston.
"Yes baby" I said.
Our uber pulled up in front of the hospital and ran to the car. We heard the chainsaw turn on.
"DRIVE!" I yelled.
"Where would you like to go?" The driver asked.
"Home" I said.
"Okay, just punch in your address" said the driver.
Sophia and I looked at each other in horror.
"That was close" I said.
"I know" Sophia said relieved.
"So... What happened?" Said Jacob.
"So basically, Sophia and went out of the room because the power went out, and then we heard glass break, a random man was standing by the exit, the alarms went off, and then Sophia and I got chased by a chainsaw freak and we had to hide in a surgery room" I said.
Everyone looked at Sophia and I like we were insane.
"Oh my gosh" said Weston.
"Yeah..." I said.
Good Night!! ❤️ I love you guys! AND OMFG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 4K 😍😭😍😭😍😭❤️❤️❤️

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