Chapter 25

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The next day...
I woke up for school and got ready. I'm so nervous to go back. That night kinda traumatized me.
Anyways, we all got to science and Mrs. Williams told us she was quitting. But when she told us why she was quitting, my heart stopped. She said...
"Because when I was at the school, the other night, some incidents happened and there were children watching and I just can't be seen here anymore..."

Weston and I looked at each other with shock.
Weston grabbed my hand as Mrs. Williams walked over to our table and said "I know it was you, you dirty crabs"
My heart started pumping 10x faster.
She walked away as the new substitute came in.
It was, Nanni?!!!
(Skip the next 3 periods)
We got to lunch and Sophia and Hunter were making out.
"Get a room" said Mark.
I saw Corrine walk into the lunch room and then down into the office. OMG I wonder if she's going to school here! 😱
"Sophia, how's your tree slice?" I said.
"Don't talk to me" she said.
"Huh?" I said nervously.
"I'm moving tables, I can't deal with you anymore" she said.
"What are you talking about?" She said.
"This is all your fault that Mrs. Williams quit, and she knows that it was us. I can't be in situations like that, I'm done being your friend, we are still cousins, but we can't be friends at all. So fuck you." Said Sophia.
"How the hell is this my fault!? And Fuck you too" I said.
"It was your idea to sneak into the school!" She yelled.
"How was I supposed to know what would happen?" I yelled.
"I don't care, but I'm leaving, fuck you all, let's go Hunter!" Said Sophia.
I went into the bathroom and I went into one of the stalls and just cried for the rest of the day. I didn't go to any of my classes.
I heard the bell ring and I went to my locker.
I just want Weston. I thought.
"Hey baby girl, are you okay?" Weston said as he hugged me.
"Not really baby" I said crying.
"Do you wanna stay with me?" Said Weston.
"Is that okay with your mom and dad?" I said.
"Of course baby!" Said Weston.
I hugged Weston for a good 5 minutes, and we got on the bus. I fell asleep in his arms.
Weston woke me up and I walked home.
"Should I go pack?" I said.
"Yes, want me to help?" Said Weston.
"Sure!" I said.
I packed literally everything. I found Sophia's headphones in my room.
I went into her room and threw them at her.
"Keep your shit out of my room!" I yelled.
When I looked up... You wouldn't even believe what I saw....
I might update more in a little while, I have a late start so I don't start school until 10:45 😏🤑.
Love you guys!
~Bailey 💕

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