Chapter 53

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My mom came running over to the stairs.
"Um... Excuse me, you need to leave" said my mom.
"Um... No there isn't, please get out of my house" my mom said.
"UGH FINE" she yelled.
The lady blasted off in her wheel chair, once again.
My mom gave me a confused look.
"Um... Bye!" I said running upstairs.
"So, what do you guys wanna do?" I said.
"Um... We could go shopping?" Said Sophia.
"Okay!!" I said.
We walked to the mall and when we got there we split up.
Weston, Hunter, Jacob, And Brandon went to Spencer's, and Sophia, Heaven, Jasmine, and I went into Victoria's Secret.

\\Weston's POV//

We went into the back of Spencer's and we tried on penis hats.
"How many inches do you think this is?" Said Jacob.
"Um. 64" I said.
"Should we buy these?" 😂 said Brandon.
"YES" 😂 said Jacob.
We bought the hats, and then we went into Victoria's Secret.
Then we saw the girls in there, we lowkey spied on them through the window.
"BAILEY IS BUYING A THONG" Brandon whispered.
"YAY" I said.
"You need some holy milk in your life" said Hunter.
"wait did I say yay out loud?" I said.
"Um BAHAH yeah" 😂 said Jacob.
"That was Joseph" I said.
"Wait, guys lets go inside and listen to their conversation" said Jacob.
"Okay!" We all agreed.
"Ohh, Bailey you should buy this and wear it for Weston." Said Sophia.
"Shut up, ya nasty" said Bailey.
"Says the one who bought a thong" said Sophia.
"I need it for my leggings! Oh my gosh" 😂 said Bailey.
All of the guys looked at me.
"What..." I whispered.
They just laughed.
"Guys! I'm buying a thong for Brandon" said Jasmine.
"BAHAHA, are you going to force him to wear it?" Said Bailey.
"Pfft.... What....." Jasmine said in a high pitched voice.
Brandon's face turned bright red. 😂
"Okay, guys they went into the back, let's go" 😂 said Jacob.
"But their conversations are funny" said Hunter.
"Don't you wanna know what Heaven is buying for you? 😂" said Brandon.
"Um 😂 idk" said Jacob.
The girls left the store, and so did we.
We followed them into Hollister.
"So.... How's Hunter?" Said Heaven.
"Um pretty good 😂 how's Jacob?" Said Sophia.
"He's good 😂 and he's really hot" said Heaven.
"Ohhh 😏😂😂" said Sophia.
Jacob blushed.
We watched the girls take selfies for like 5 minutes 😂.
"I'm gonna go try this on, brb Fam" said Bailey.
"DUCK" Weston whispered.
"Weston?" Said Bailey.
"Hey beautiful..." Weston said nervously.
"What are you doing? 😂" said Bailey.
"Definitely not following you... Hahah that would be weird" I said as Jacob hit the back of my head.
"OMG. How long have you been following us for?!!" Said Bailey.
"Since you were in Victoria's Secret..." Said Weston.
"OMG WESTON NOOOOO.... Did you hear us talking about thongs and stuff??" Said Bailey.
"Um... Yeah...." Said Weston.
"DUDEEEEEEEE WYD" said Bailey.
"Bailey, why are you talking to the floor?" Said Sophia.
"UM LOOK" I said.
"UM........ What are you doing??" Said Sophia.
We were speechless.
"Dude 😂 they were following us around" said Bailey.
"Oh my gosh 😂😂😂 wait... They didn't hear our conversation in Victoria's Secret, right?!!" Said Sophia.
"Oh no, we did" said Jacob.
"Guysssssss!" Said Heaven.
"Wait... They didn't hear about the thong right....?" Said Jasmine.
"We heard that too..." Said Brandon.
The girls faces turned bright red. 😂
"Omg you guys 😂😂😂" said Bailey.
"Let's go get milkshakes baby" I said.
"Okay" 😂 said Bailey.
We got fries and milkshakes and we went into the food court. We had an awkward silence for about 10 minutes and out of nowhere we all start laughing.
Ronald McDonald came over to our table.
"Um excuse me, can I paint you?" He said.
"Um.... 😂 no" I said.
"WHY NOT?" He yelled.
"Because I don't wanna be a clown" 😂 I said.
"Hey! Only I can call him a sprinkler, you low life marry POPPINS fucker" said Bailey.
Ronald reached into Bailey's Victoria's Secret bag and he found her thong.
"Ohh 😍 what's this?!!" He said.
"Um it's a thong? What are you 5?" I said.
"BYE!!!! Have a good day" he said.
"And this is why I don't like clowns" said Bailey.
Heyyy 😂

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