Chapter 33

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He dragged me down the stairs. This is literally just like last time. Wtf. About 5 seconds later, my younger brother comes charging down the stairs.
We all ran away freely. We actually called the police this time and they arrested that little fucker.
"Sophia, are you okay princess??" Said Hunter.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm a bad bitchican" Sophia said laughing.
"oH" 😂 said Hunter.
"I love you baby" 😂 said Sophia.
"I love you too my princess" 😂 said Hunter.
We all got home and my grandma let us play scrabble with swear words 😂 it was great, but it was also really hard. 😂😂😂
My grandma looked at the board with shock.
"Y'all need some milk"
After that, we all went to Walmart.
"Brandon let's go look at the bras and thongs!!" Said Weston.
"Uh have fun with that" I said.
"Sophie... Can I go too" Hunter said in his baby voice.
"Fine" said Sophia.
"Let's go take snapchats of random strangers." I said.
"Okay!" Said Sophia.

\\Weston's POV//

"Guys... Valentine's Day is coming up and I don't know what to get for Bailey." I said.
"She would be fine with you giving her all of your hoodies" 😂 said Brandon.
"But I want to give her more than that..." I said.
"Woah buddy... You're 14, wait a while" said Hunter.
"Yeah yeah whatever" I said.
"Let's go to the tampon section! They have lots of colors! Said Brandon.
"Okay!" We agreed.
"These are nice.. 😂" said Weston.
"The flavored ones?" Said Hunter.
😂😂. The only Walmart that I didn't call was the one where I lived. And they actually had them. Ughh.
"Life would be so much easier if I were a bird." Said Hunter.
"Oh okay 😂" said Brandon.
I found Bailey taking snapchats of strangers and I handed her the box of blue raspberry tampons.
"Weston, I'm not on my period" said Bailey.
"Try it on" I said.
"I don't like tampons" said Bailey.
"That's not my fault babe" 😂💗 said Bailey.
"But they're blue raspberry" 😂 I said.
"Why are we standing in the middle of Walmart talking about tampons?" Sophia asked.
"Ask Weston" 😂 said Brandon.
Good Night!!! I'll update tomorrow! I'm not going to school because I sprained my ankle, so I'll have a ton of time to update ☺️!!!
~Bailey 💕

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