Chapter 14

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I moved my bed to a different wall, I got rid of some clothes, and put some lights up.
Sophia and I haven't been talking at all. We just give each other rude glares. My mom and my grandma try to get us to talk to each other, but it doesn't work. She even tried the stare at each other until we laugh move, but that didn't work either. A few minutes later I get a text from Weston.
Weston: Hey Beautiful, do you wanna go bowling? ❤️
Me: Hey Cutie! I'd love to! What time?
Weston: 7:00? ☺️
Me: Sounds great! See you then! 💕
I ran upstairs to get ready.
I took a shower, did my make up, dried and straightened my hair, got dressed, and left.
I was surprisingly on time for once. 😂
Weston's mom picked me up and dropped us off at the bowling alley.
"Oh there they are!" Said weston.
"Weston what the hell? Why did you invite them??" I said.
"You and Sophia need to make up" said Weston.
"No, I'm leaving" I said.
Weston came up and hugged me from behind. He whispered in my ear which tickled a lot.
"Do I need to kiss you to get you to agree with me?"
"You're a skank ;)" I said.
"I Love You Too ;)" said Weston.
We got our shoes and went to our lane.
The waiter came up to us and we ordered some drinks and appetizers.
Sophia bowled first and she got a strike. "Bam bitch" she yelled.
I started to laugh.
"Can we talk?" I asked.
"Look, I know I may seem like a cock blocking ass cunt, but I was just trying to protect you, and I'm really sorry :("
"You have nothing to be sorry for, I shouldn't have done what I did, You were just trying to protect me" said Sophia.
"I love you Henry!" I said.
"I love you too Sebastian1!1!" said Sophia.
"Good Job baby girl" said Weston.
"Thank you for doing this :)" I said.
After we ate and bowled, we went into the arcade.
We went on that fucking rollercoaster ride, it was so fun omg.
It reached 10:00 and the place was closing.
"That was so fun" said Hunter.
"We need to do this again!!" I said.

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