32; Hope It works

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"Mikey, you dumbass! you were suppose to pass the ball to me!" I heard Calum exclaimed, making me look up from my phone and watching their match.

I studied what was going on before scoffing, "Calum, you're the dumbass. Did you really think that Mikey would listen to your orders when he's on a different team?" I asked while rolling my eyes at nothing.

Calum only shrugged, "I tried to seduce him. I thought it worked." Calum said with dramatized frown and a bitter tone of voice.

I rolled my eyes once more before going back to Twitter.

I have been hoping that Jessa would be online whenever I am because it seems like she only posts at wrong times. Like when I'm in the toilet.

Doing stuff.

"It's weird how a random lonely girl that we chose for our little game became a famous model." I heard Calum suddenly say.

"Yeah, especially when she's in the same level of fame with Cara Delevingne." Michael continued before letting out a laugh, "Damn, Luke. You let her go at the wrong time."

"Damn that hot lesbian." I heard Calum mutter under his breath.

I raised my eyebrow at that, "Why do you seem so normal with the fact that me and Jessa aren't together when I actually want to mend us together?"

Wait, that didn't sound right.

Michael groaned, "You sound so fucking sappy, Lucas." He whined as he paused his and Cal's game.

Cal groaned as well. His FIFA 2017 was being paused. Aw, poor baby.

"Mikey, just say what you have to say." I rolled my eyes and laid back into the couch.

I've been rolling my eyes a lot lately. Sassy Lucas.

Mikey cleared his throat and raised a finger, "I don't want you to be with Jessa. it's simple as that." He said and before I could asked 'why' he was already answering, "Because I didn't like it when she cried. And since she and I still have a good relationship, I don't want you to ruin it." Mikey said.

My mouth stayed shut as I didn't know what to say.

That was kinda harsh. Wait, no, scratch that, that was just pure anger talking to me in the nicest way possible.

"Calum you cheating sh-"

"What happened to our game?!" Calum asked, cutting Mikey off when the TV suddenly changed into some random red carpet scene.

"Guys, guys," Ashton suddenly came and plopped down near my legs, "Jessa said that she walked the carpet last night!" Ash exclaimed excitingly. Like a girl, he is.

Oh, and did I forget to tell you that Ashton still talks to Jessa as well? And that they're practically buddies? Yup, well they are.

It's hilarious how the boys are all buddy buddy with the girl who practically hates me.

"Shït, I totally forgot about the red carpet thingy." Mikey cursed and face palmed himself.

Ashton gave him a long shushing, "shut up, it's coming on."

I was actually interested.

"Gigi Hadid rocked the red carpet with her red dress and her three bestfriends walking along side her. Now, don't get me wrong, I love all four of the girls but Gigi will stay my fav." The unfamiliar girl announcer said, "I'm Clara Heins and this is The Red Carpet Review." The girl said.

I turned to Ashton, "I thought you said we were watching the red carpet." Ashton only shushed me in response.

"Last year, we received the newest member of the Swift Squad and Cara Delevigne's newest bestfriend. Today, she's not only known as Cara's friend, she is known as the Jessa Rae. Before we know it, Cara Delevingne, Jessa Rae, Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid had created their own squad which only included the four. Now let me tell you, they're goals AF." She giggled.

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