8;Quiffy, dimply, Asiany, highlightery

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"Jessa, how are you not fat?" I glared at the Asian man who preferred me calling him Calum.

"That's very rude!" I scolded him and threw a french fry directly hitting his face and was stuck on top of his nose.

"Cool, free fry." He said casually and ate it.

I scrunched my nose at his actions, "you do know that was from the seat beside me, right?"

"So?" He questioned as if what he did wasn't disgusting.

"Ashton's butt was seated there." That made him gag out the fry.

"Gross." Calum said which only earned him laughter from the boys.

I calmed down for a bit after they bought me two big macs and large french fries. But what also calmed me down was that this was what they meant when they said I was the winner of their contest. I got to go in your with them.

Bloody fantastic.

I continued to eat my second big Mac (don't judge me like Calum did) and savoured the while thing.

All the guys gave me funny looks which only only rolled my eyes to.

"We didn't expect you love food this much." Michael chuckled out.

"Yeah. We sorta expected you to be those posh girls that would prefer more of those small portions of food that cost probably a fortune." Calum shrugged.

Now it was my turn to give them a funny look, "why would you think that?" I asked.

The two glanced at each other and shrugged, "don't know. Probably because you act like those vict-" I slammed my hand into the table, making Michael shut up and the boys looking at me wide eyed. I was getting a few looks from strangers around me as well.

I smiled 'innocently' at them, "buy me another big mac before talking badly about me." Michael wasn't sure if I was serious or not as well as Calum.

The two decided to get up and head to the counter to buy me my big Mac.

I'm loving it, alright.

I sucked my fingers one by one, eating the sauce up when I felt two pairs of eyes on me.

"What are you sauces looking at?" I turn to them which made them immediately avoid eye contact.

"Nothing, nothing." They mumbled.

After Michael introduced all of them then I realize that the two that were staring at me were the famous Lukesos and Ashtonsos.

"I'm actually really sorry about kicking you in the groin, Lucas." This caught Lucas' attention and he kicked eyes with me. "And I'm super sorry that I kept on yelling at you, Ashton." This caught Ashton's attention and he looked at me as well.

I raised my eyebrow as if to say 'yup, you're forgiven now' which made them smile brightly with their lovely dimples.

"You know," I started, "I've been wondering." I said as the two turn to me fully, gesturing for me to continue. "Are you two dating?" Luke spat out his cola and Ashton started choking on his fries.

"Goddammit Ashton." I sighed and got out of my seat to his, sitting on Michael's chair and started patting Ash's back slowly.

He stopped coughing a few seconds later as I rubbed his back carefully.

"You good?" I asked which he replied with a smile and nod.

"I didn't know you were British?" Ashton giggled out. I'm getting use to his giggles.

"Yeah, I am." I replied to him simply.

"British girls are hot." Luke suddenly said from in front of me and Ash.

I furrowed my eyebrows in a teasing look, "I'm American. I'm an American with a British accent. I'm not really British." I stated clearly folding my arms into the table.

Luke had a faint blush rising. Probably embarrassed by the compliment he threw.

"American- British people are hot too." Ashton said cheekily from beside me with his dimply smile.

"Thank you." I replied to his compliment.

"no pro- ow!" Ash suddenly exclaimed befire glaring at Lucas who was looking as innocent as a lamb.

"So," Luke started, not caring for this glaring Ashton, "why aren't you fully British?" He asked.

"Is it so wrong?" I asked with a raised eyebrow which only made him blush in embarrassment once again.

This guy may win the award for the most awkward guy ever lived.

"You probably wouldn't wanna talk about it, right?" Ashton said nicely.

I scrunched my face slightly, "I just realized something." I said.

"What?" The two questioned simultaneously.

"Are you boys trying to flirt with me or just 'getting to know me'?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I just have this feeling that something's up.

The two sauces had their eyes widened, "wh-what?"

"N-no! No way! Pshht."

"I-I mean it's not like we wouldn't b-but-"

"You know.."

It was so hard understanding boys who do not know how to speak.

This is ridiculous.

"Hey, sorry we're late with your big Mac." Michael's voice popped out from behind, stopping Lucas and Ashton from embarrassing themselves.

"The line was long as hell, I tell you. That, plus girls just shoving themselves at us." Calum sighed grumpily and put a McDonalds bag onto the table.

"Take away?" I asked them.

"Yeah, we don't really have much time to sit down at McDonalds." Michael said.

"Oh yeah, we gotta get back to NYC and start packing." Ashton clapped his hands excitingly.

"Where actually are we going first for your tour?" I asked the boys curiously.

"Japan." Luke answered simply though I could see his excitement wanting to burst.

"Japan, Nagoya, Century Hall to be exact." Michael's turn to be excited.

To be completely honest, I'm excited to go to Japan. But the fact that I'm going with four Australian idiots.

"Let's go, Jessa! Aren't you excited?!" Calum asked excitingly, jumping around as we all headed towards their tourbus.

"Should I be?"

"Of course you should! Why shouldn't you?" I heard Luke chuckled as he asked the question beforehand.

I looked at him with the 'are-you-serious?' Look which he just raised his eyebrow to.

"I have one reason as to why I shouldn't be excited." I said which caught their attentions.

"I'm going to one of the places I've always wanted to go to with a quiff boy who's awkward as heck, an Asian guy who I had an awkward encounter with, a dimple man who giggles and a redheaded vampire." I gave them an annoyed smile, "doesn't that just seem wonderful?" I sarcastically asked before walking ahead of them.

"She's still mean." I rolled my eyes.

"You're still a bad whisperer, dimples." I replied, mocking his bad whisper.

I feel like someone's gonna get murdered by me in the bus later on. Oh, I'm so gonna go to hell when I die.

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