25;day 5

299 9 16


"Luke, that's cheating!" I exclaimed at him whilst laughing.

He laughed back, "it's not cheating! You just suck at playing." He chuckled out and muttered the last part. I have a feeling I wasn't suppose to hear that.

I paused the game and turned to Luke slowly, "What?"

"What?" He acted innocent though I could see the amusement playing in his eyes.

"You said I sucked." I narrowed my eyes at him with a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

He gulped and smiled innocently at me, "You don't have proof." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"I don't suc-" I paused midway once I saw Mikey entering the room. He eyed me weirdly as he ate his ice cream, "what don't you suck, Jessa?" He asked with narrowed eyes and licked his ice cream once more.

Luke, for some reason, blushed and kept quiet.

I sighed, "I just suck is all Luke said." I shrugged. Luke turned to me in a millisecond with widened eyes.

Mikey spat out his ice cream, "ew." I cringed at the drooping ice cream from his chin.

He immediately kneeled down and got on four, "Jessa, he didn't force you to suck anything did you?" He asked frantically and crawled towards me, teaching for my mouth and starting to sniff it.

"Gross! Mikey, stop it!" I slapped him away, making him back away and pout, "you've gotten meaner towards me when you started getting closer to.. Lucas." Be glared at Luke once he said the last part of his sentence.

Luke only shrugged and pretended that he didn't find this amusing, " she just likes me better, Mikey. Aw, don't pout." Like teased and mocked Mikey's pout.

Though that only made Mikey scowl at him.

"Mikey's starting to like the grim reaper, ready to grab Luke's soul and run." Ashton's voice suddenly came around as he giggled at his own joke. His joke sucked.

"Ashton your joke sucked." I bluntly told him which falter his cheeky smile he had on moments ago, "You're still mean.." I heard Ashton mutter.

I rolled my eyes though a smile was playing on my lips, "and you're still bad at whispering." I chuckled out.

"Well, at least now she smiles more." Calum suddenly waltz in. I groaned at the fact that all the boys are here. Great. Just great.

"Why are you all in here? I can only handle one of you at a time." I groaned.

Calum smirked, "dirty girl." He muttered under his breath, getting glares form Luke and Mikey.

I pretended I didn't hear that. How am I dirty? I look clean. I had a shower a few moments before.

"Guys, why are you guys really here?" I asked them straight forwardly and turned to Luke who shrugged. I could see that he really didn't know what was going on.

I turned back to the boys. Each one of them had different expressions.

"I still think my idea's better." Calum said with a smirk and wiggled his eyebrows.

Mikey glared at the kiwi and yes, I know Calum isn't Asian now. "Your idea sucks, Cal. I'm not leaving two hormonal nineteen year olds in a room alone." Mikey growled at the kiwi.

I raised my eyebrow, still confused whilst Luke continued to blush. He's a real awkward piece of man.

"Oh, please. Like your plan was better." Calum scoffed. Honestly, he sounded like one of those girls from highschool.

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