2;Um, What? I'm not a fan.

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"Amy, Lynn, who's Luke5sos?" I asked and tilt my head questioningly.

They stopped their 'celebratory dance', which was technically just them jumping on the bed screaming or squealing out that Luke5sos followed their friend.

Why are they so happy?

Luke5sos followed their friend. Not them.

I'm sorry, I had to.

"Are you kidding me?!" Amy squealed out, all giggly and happy and.. Fangirly I guess that's a way to put it.

"I don't seem to kid." I mumbled, not caring if they even heard what I said.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings just followed you, you twat!" Lynn said and got off the bed slapping my arm in a somewhat excited way which I flinched to.

That actually hurts.

"I'm so happy I can't.. I can't even!" Lynn squealed as she got in her knees and start.. I don't even know what she's doing.

She looks like a crazy woman trying to grab ahold of the furry carpet below her and just start looking at the ceiling as if a rocket ship that belongs to John Lennon would land and he would give you gazillion bucks and kiss you on the cheek and let you be a part of the Beatles somehow.

Tsk, me and my imaginations.

"His name isn't even Lucas, OMG!" Amy yelled out.

What is this.. OMG?

I just stare at the two, waiting for them to calm down and explain everything.

Who would have their name included with the word sos?

When I got bored of waiting for their explanation a few minutes ago, I decided to scroll through twitter and was met with so many sos people.

I didn't know the word sos was a trend.

- We have our wiener!

I gasped at what I read, catching the two girl's attention.

"What? What's wrong, Jess?" Lynn asked as she stopped 'dancing' and laid down on her side beside me.

"C'mon, tell us!" Amy suddenly exclaimed from the other direction.

I cleared my throat, "what so called man would let out in the social media world saying that he has his wiener?! That's disgusting." I snorted.

Lynn gave me a funny look a tapped my nose which I immediately back away from.

"You sound like Miranda Sings, right now." Lynn giggled out.

Is she drunk?

"Are you drunk?"

Amy and Lynn only replied go me by laughing hysterically at nothing. I'm coming to regret being friends with them.

"Wait!" The two all of the sudden stopped laughing as Amy exclaimed.

"Did you say Luke announced the winner?" Amy said and crawled her way towards where me and Lynn.

She looked like some happy go lucky demon just crawling her way to the wieners.

"I said wiener. Not winner." I stated with an obviously face.

"No, no, you don't get it!" Lynn exclaimed once she caught up with whatever Amy was trying to state.

"5 seconds of summer had a contest! And the winner-" I gave her a look, "or wiener," I gave her an approving look, "will get a follow from one of their fav members and- Oh my god, and!" The two squealed like chimpanzees if that makes sense.

"What's so exciting about 'and'?" This is boring.

They turned to me, "You get to go on tour with the band!" They exclaimed and squealed once again.

I will never get use to all this fangirling.

Why are we called 'fans' anyways? We don't spin around in circles just to fan them whenever they feel hot. I mean it makes no sense.. I better start doing rese-

"Jessa, are you even listening?!" Amy asked with a serious tone for once.

"Yeah, wieners and all." I replied to her.

Before she could start yelling at me, the ding sound echoed through Amy's room.

I turned my attention back to the laptop though I can't see what the notification was for.

I'm actually thankful to Amy once because of her clear explanation on what the hell the ding was for.

"Check your dm, Jessa." What the heck is a 'dm'?


"Just!" Lynn cut me off and clicked on whatever the hell there is on this laptop twitter thing.

She cut me off.. We'll be pretty good friends.

"O.M.F!" Lynn suddenly squealed deafeningly.

Ugh, fangirl.

"What is this OM-"

"Luke Hemmings messaged you!" Amy squealed out next.

Who is this Lucas?

Is he a sauce as well?

He actually sounds like a delicious sauce brand.

I should try and buy it.

Maybe it'll be good with hotdogs and sausa-

"Jessa, do you know what this means?!" Lynn asked excitingly.

I think I know the answer to that.

"That we'll be having sausages and some of these new sauce brands for dinner tonight?"

I'm hungry.

"What the hell, Jessa? No! It means you have to text him back!" Text who back what how when?


"Luke Robert Hemmings, duh!" That wasn't obvious at all.

I mean it could've been anyone from Billie Joe Armstrong to George Washington to-

"Jess, stop zoning out!" My cheeks felt a stingy pain.

Did she just slap me?

"Answer the damn message!" Lynn said in a somewhat mad way and started pointed towards the screen.

I'm gonna let the slap thing slide.. For now.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the laptop.

@Luke5sos: Hii!! :3

What's with the number three?

@JessaRae: hello, I guess.

"That was a serious load of a lame, Jessa." Ignoring Amy.

@Luke5sos: errrr soo congrats on winning! I hope your as excited as we are!!

This guy sounds annoying..

@JessaRae: *you're. What am I suppose to be excited about anyway?

@Luke5sos: haha thanks grammar nazi. The concert duh?! Aren't you a fan?

@Luke5sos: you should be pretty excited right? We cant wait to meet you.

We? How many sauce boys are there... I'm gonna go with the number 5 on this one.

@JessaRae: who are the other sauce boys?

@Luke5sos: haha nice joke.

A moment of silence.

@Luke5sos: u r joking right?

@JessaRae: I'm not one to kid.

@Luke5sos: oh..

@Luke5sos: why'd you enter the contest then? U have to be a fan right?

@JessaRae: Um... What contest? And I'm not a fan. I only eat McDonald's sauce. Other than that, Kimball I guess.

@Luke5sos: wht the hell is going on

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