31; Fame

238 11 4

-continuation from the last chap-


"Dude, don't talk to Jessa." I heard another familiar voice cutting Luke off.

It was Michael.

"Mikey?" I asked into the phone.

There was silence on the other line. well, not really silence. I could hear little whispers and sounds of the phone shuffling around.

"Je- hey!" I heard Luke tried to say. why is Mikey cutting him off anyways? I honestly expected Mikey to be the one encouraging Luke to 'go for me' but it seems like Niall was that type of friend. not Mikey.

Though, I don't mind the fact that Mikey is stopping Luke from talking to me. I would've cut Luke off on my own if Mikey hadn't.

"mikey?" i tried to call out for him once again.

"Hey, lil' sis!" mikey greeted with his usual cheery tone. I could basically hear Luke trying to grab the phone back from Mikey.

"What are you guys doing?" i asked as if Luke trying to call out for me was all non existence.

"We were songwriting before the one direction lads came over." Mikey said. It sounded as if he was gritting his teeth. he's definitely mad about what Niall did.

"Oh, okay." i smiled into the phone, "Keep working hard, lad. I'll talk to you again, sometime when you're not busy." i said. God, it's funny how we're pretending that there's not a  Lucas who is whining and trying to get the phone from Mikey in the background of our little phone call.

"Well that'll be a bit of a problem because it seems like we're busy everyday." Mikey half joked, "But of course I'll call you once in awhile." I could practically hear Mikey smiling as he said it.

I smiled too, "M'kay, I'll talk to you later. I'm currently with some stranger named Cara." I told him for no reason. Well, probably because I wanted to annoy Luke even more.

Mikey scoffed, "Weirdo. Bye, love you." Oh, Mikey is definitely trying to annoy Luke.

"Bye." i said  and got the phone away from my ear. I could hear Luke groaning in annoyance as he started to nag at Mikey.

I turned back to Cara who looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "what?" I asked her.

"I thought you said you didn't know Harry Styles." Cara said with squinted eyes.

I shrugged, "yeah, I don't know him. Why?"

Cara crossed her arms, "You were talking to Niall Horan."

I nodded, "yes, I recalled. What are you trying to make me realize?" I asked. God, I sounded so god damn dumb.

Cara suddenly started laughing, "Oh my god. I can so see that you're not a directioner. Wait, do you live under a rock or something?"  She said with a slight laugh after. Wait, what's a directioner?

Cara's phone suddenly rang, "Shoot!" She exclaimed.


"I totally forgot about the photoshoot!" Cara exclaimed and face palmed herself.

Her eyes suddenly widened, "Jessa, you're coming with me."

"Wait, what?"

I was dragged away from my Starbucks.

Wait, I haven't even get my Starbucks! And there was a Starbucks behind us! God dammit.

"Cara! Where have you been?!" A random blonde quiffed haired guy exclaimed.

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