20;day 1

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Normal people on a somewhat vacation would usually want to wake up fresh and get some buffet breakfast at their hotel.

That's definitely what I wanted. Past tense, wanted.

"This is stupid." I grumbled and glared at Luke who was siting in front of me awkwardly playing with his lip ring.

"Are you mad?" He asked timidly.

"No. I'm not. I just have a natural angry face." I told him sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

The waiter who took our orders previously came and set our orders down in front of us.

"I'm sorry." Luke apologized awkwardly after the waiter had left.

"You know, you don't ask a girl out by lying." I grumbled at him and threw a lettuce from my plate at his face.

Luke bit his lip as if he was holding in his laughter, "throwing food at your date isn't something a woman should do, Jessa."

I rolled my eyes at him and started to eat.

This is an awkward date. I do t wnat to be here. Why did I agree to that 1 week thing? And, oh my god, this is just day 1.

2 hours ago.

"Mikey, stop playing with my hair."

"But I'm bored." Michael started whining and stomping his feet repeatedly like a child.

"And why do I have to suffer with you being bored?" I asked without turning my eyes away from my book.

"Because I'm your brother. And your my sister. You have to take care of me." Mikey started whining again and started stomping onto the hotel floor louder than before.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. I wrapped a hand around Mikey's shoulder and patted his head like how a mother would do.

"Go to sleep you dick." I said gently.

"Meanie." I heard Mikey chuckled out though he leaned into my shoulder anyways.

"Hey guys- whoa. Was I interrupting something?" Ashton asked curiously as he narrowed his eyes at Mikey.

"You interrupted our sibling bonding time." Mikey grumbled with his eyes shut, "what did you want, Ashton?"

"Well, I was wondering if you guys would like to go out." Ashton said. The way he had said 'out' sounded a tad bit odd.

Mikey opened his eyes and raised his eyebrow at Ash.

Ash nodded back to Mikey vigorously.

Shall I try and decode their thoughts?

"Yeah, we should go out." Mikey said and got up from beside me. The way he said out was in the same tone as how Ashton had said it.

"Can one of you tell me why we should go out?" I mocked the two.

They both turned to look at me making me awkwardly sit there, letting silence pass for a few seconds.

"What?" I finally ask.

"We're going for McD." Mikey said.

"I'm all in."

That's all it took.


"You're wearing that?" I heard Mikey asked from behind him. I could sense him scrunching his nose while inspecting what I was wearing.

I sighed as I fluffed my light brownish hair, "yes, Mikey. I'm wearing overalls."

"But why that?" He asked again.

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