12. S A F E H A V E N

Start from the beginning

I turned around, face to face with the greasy man.

He smirked, displaying his yellowed teeth. My skin crawled at the sight of him.

"Oh Saraya, is that the way you talk to your FATHER? I thought your mother and I raised you better than that."

The disgust I felt for him overwhelmed me. Flashbacks of when I was a little girl all rushed back.

Being frozen and not being able to let out a single scream when he dragged me into my parents room after my mum left for another wrestling show.

The numerous bruises and scars that still littered my body after years of abuse at the hands of him.

"You didn't raise me. I feel pity for you. Actually, no I don't. You were a shit father and mum deserved better then you."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I wanted to take them back when he gripped my hair, lacing his fingers over my scalp, tugging on my long locks.

I let out a blood curdling scream but he quickly placed his grubby hand over my lips.

Someone had to hear my scream before he cut me off. Someone. Please.

Dean had to be looking for me and I prayed to whatever higher power out there that I didn't believe in to please let someone find me.

I whimpered when he threw his fist into my stomach, his knuckles going right into my ribs.

I sobbed against his clammy hand.

"Next time, you won't be walking away alive."

I crashed to the floor as he loosened his grip, running out of the room and most likely out of the arena.

I let the hot salty tears fall down my cheeks, pulling my knees into my chest and laying across the floor.

It wasn't long when the door opened and I tensed up until I saw that it was Dean.

I sobbed louder when I saw him. His face was flooded with worry as he leant down onto his knees, pulling me towards his chest.

"What happened!? Are you okay? Paige please.."

I weeped into his bare chest, relishing in the feeling of being in his arms. My SAFE HAVEN.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. Just..please take me back to the house Dean."

He obeyed, scooping me up and he was gracious enough to carry me to the car with our bags over his shoulders.

He drove us back to our house as I tried to push the feeling of his hands all over me. I whimpered and Dean enlaced our hands together.

It seemed as though the darkness of the night was comforting enough to admit to my lover what happened.

He had his arms wrapped around me as I laid my head on his chest.


"Yeah babe?"

"You know when you found me in your dressing room tonight?"

I gulped, gaining the courage to replay the story in my head.

"The reason I was crying was because my dad found me again."

His grip tightened around me. He sensed that what I said was a bad thing but he didn't know why it was a bad thing.

"Guess it's my turn to talk about my childhood. When I was little, I rarely saw my mum. She was always going off to wrestle in a different town every night so I was left home with my dad."

"It was okay at first, but then my dad started drinking. And he started doing drugs. When that started up, one night, he came into my room while I was sleeping. I very clearly remember him dragging me by my ankles into his and my mum's bedroom. He would beat me until I bled."

I sniffled as the tears started falling and Dean kissed my tears away.

"I finally got away from him when WWE put me in FCW and then NXT. Hunter noticed my passion and called me up. It was the best day of my life. My mum divorced him after finding out what he did to me and I've been free of him for eight years. Tonight, he cornered me while I was in your dressing room. Dean, what am I going to do?"

He ran his fingers up my spine, peppering kisses against my jaw.

"Did he hurt you?"

When I didn't respond, he tensed up, forcing me to look at him.

"Did he hurt you?"

I begrudgingly nodded, wiping my tears.

A growl rose up in his throat and he groaned in frustration.


I pulled up Dean's shirt that I was wearing, pointing at the nasty purple bruise on my abdomen.

He gently trailed his thumb over it as I winced at the delicate gesture.

"He's NEVER going to lay another hand on you even if it kills me."

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