Chapter 6

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What am I doing?

I can't believe I'm even getting ready.

This is exactly what I didn't want; not again. But here I am putting on one of my nicest dresses, which isn't really that nice. It's a strapless nude color with a sweet heart neckline and a bit of jewels going across the breast.

It's simple and cute. I mean I don't want to look like i'm trying too hard to impress him or anything, but I also don't want to look like a hobo. I swept my long brown hair to one side, covering my love bite he rudely left behind, and tight curls to add volume. My makeup is light espacially since I suck at applying it, complementing my strange eyes. I have on my black boots with a wedge and a long black coat to keep out the October air.

The mirror hung on the wall full length allowing me to look at myself completely. My eyes are too round, I lack curves, and my small nose is just horrible. But tonight I look pretty, and I feel pretty. I gave myself a twirl in the mirror and watched my dress spin beautifully. With my legs freshly shaved and my makeup fresh I walked out of my room with my head up and ready to face my fears of dating.

Kim is fast asleep with her arms tighly wraped around her bear she always sleeps with. I turned off her tv she left on and gave her a soft kiss on the head. She turned over lightly, pushing her face into her pink pillow letting her dark curls spill over her innocent face. I closed the door gently and walked into the kitchen that stood right behind the living room, with no wall inbetween to seperate them. Jake and Dave were sitting on the black sofa with bowls of popcorn and soda cans everywhere watching the game that nethier of them knew that well anyway. I opened the fridge grabbing a water bottle and taking a long swing and leaving it on the table with a choke when I looked at the time. "Dave I'm going out" he didn't even turn to look at me as I expected. "Where are you going?" Jake asked "Out" I said again without much effort to explain and as I turned to the door not giving him a chance to ask me again. He turned giving me his full attention and stood up after me.

"Dressed like that? I don't think so." He replied getting his jacket and keys.

"Jake relax I'm going with someone, I won't be alone" "Who?" he asked, his blue eyes full of worry and confusion.

I looked at him unsure if I should tell him, but what would be the harm right? "Ugh, alright. If I tell you will you relax?" I said pulling out my phone to check the time again.

"Yes." He said with a 'I always get my way' smile. "Harry Styles" damn even his name felt good on my tongue which I bit harshly in response, get over it Kylie!. "Who? Wait..? The owner's son?" he asked looking over at Dave who kept his eyes on the screen.

"Yes that one" "Well I'm going to have to meet him before you leave" he said stubbornly. "Oh come on Ja-" "Either I meet him or you're not going" He said crossing his arms and shook his head once with his face set. I thought about it, Big brother wanting to meet the date, yeah that doesn't sound cheesy at all. Why doesn't he meet the whole family while we're at it! It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything, were just going out, one night. But if I dont let him he wont let me go, which wouldn't be the worst thing. Pshhh even in my mind I knew a small, and i mean small, part of me wanted to go. If it was for a thank you, a sorry, or because he was drop dead beautiful, I didn't know. So why not, its not like it's going to be a big thing , I sighed and decided nothing can hurt by letting him meet Harry.

"Ugh fine. Hurry I'm already going to be late" I said rushing him and checking my phone for the time again. He smiled and said "Oh and by the way you look beautiful" he stepped in front of me and kissed my forehead lightly. He held out his arm and I took it happily while dragging him the elevator with big steps as he stubbled.

We walked, or ran however you look at it, into the elevator when he asked a few questions like how we met. "Err I kind of got into a fight with a guy and he pulled us apart, or more like held me back."

"YOU WHAT?!" he asked completely shocked and caught by surprise looking at me all crazy like I said Beyonce is retiering or something. "It's okay! Really! I got him right square in the nose and won; I think I might have even broken it. But you should have seen his face! There is nothing funnier then a guys face when they get hit by a girl!" I said laughing.

He began to chuckle until we were both laughing so hard we were bending over gasping for air. When the elevator doors opened we stepped out smiling, we haven't laughed like that since... well my mom died.

It felt good to see my brother smiling instead of working all the time, or having to take care of bills. We walked into the lobby and I saw him. Standing there like the freaken Lady Liberty, standing out of the croud. Jake was still laughing "I wish I could have seen that!" "Shhhh" I said letting my smile fall.

Crap. Crap. Crap.


Hey Guys!!

Im going to post the next chapter tommorow!

hope you guys are liking the story, it will get crazy trust me :)

Oh and did i forget to say THANKYOU!!!

You guys are the best and i love you guys :)

Follow me on twitter @Jessenia1D

See you you later beautifuls!! XOXO

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