Chapter 19

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Kylies POV

My body hurt's like hell. Why can't I wake up normal for once? I turned my head and felt something warm and firm against my cheek. My first thought was to cuddle to the warmth and fall back asleep. Sleep, yeah that sounds good. I think I will sleep some more, or never wake up; yeah that sounds good too. It felt so comfortable, like some ones stomach or chest?

Oh crap! Where am I? I opened my eyes and tried getting up punching randomly. Yeah this will work Kylie, why don't you just put a sign on your head saying 'Attack Me' to make it any easier for them.

I felt someone's knees tense on my side and I realized I was laying on someone's lap as I tried jumping up to run, but I guess I was on some kind of couch because I just kind of threw myself and rolled on the floor trying to get away. Nice Kylie, nice. "Get off, don't touch me!" I screamed punching thier legs as I layed on the cold floor.

"Ouch! Kylie stop!" I just realized I had my eyes closed again because when I opened them I see harry rubbing his jaw "Hey! That hurt"

"What? Sorry I- Harry what's going on?" "Relax, your okay" I looked around the room "Oh and nice hook" harry said standing up and reaching for my hand to pull me up.

"We're at the hospital, Kim had an emergency" "Oh my gosh, I... How is she?" Flashes of everything started coming back to me in a rush leaving me dazed. "Kylie" harry said pulling me up and grabbing my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"What are you talking about?" I said confused. "Kim's at the hospital and you're wondering how I'm doing?" harry released me shoulder and took a step back. He ran his hand through his soft curls and shook his head "You fainted, A nurse came in to check on you a while ago. I was worried"

I noticed how messy his curls were, as if he kept running his fingers through them. And how tired he looked, I really must have had him really worried.

"A while? How long was I sleeping?" It couldn't have been that long, I don't even remember falling asleep or fainting, as Harry put it. Harry reached and gripped my elbow lightly with a small reasuring smile. Harry's hands were warm on my elbow as I felt a cold fimilar chill, then memories hit me fast and hard. My dream, it wasn't real; none of it was real. I felt my heart pound painfull in my chest at the thought of my mom. I quickly covered my shocked expression and crossed my arms over my chest to keep out the cold as a shiver ran down my back. Harry removed his hand from my elbow with a sad expression on his face and dropped his hand, giving me his back.

"Umm" he said looking at the clock "About four hours"

"Four hours?! That can't be right! Where's Kim? How is she?" I said grabbing Harry's arm looking into his bright green eyes. Even with my fustration Harry looked beautiful, his smooth tan skin glowed even with ash wiped across his face. His beauty reminded me of how lucky I was to have him in my life, but something was off with him.

"Sit down love and relax, okay?" "No, I want to see Kim!" How does he not get that she means more than the world to me? She literally is my world, without her I have nothing to push me to keep going. I looked into Harry's face and saw his sadden expression and it clicked in my head. "What are you keeping from me?" I took step closer to him as pain filled my heart. With our chest practically touching i could feel his pounding heart, and his eyes a dark emerald held something else; something hidden.

"I, what are you talking about?" I could see him trying to hide his expression but worse I could see him try to come up with a lie. "Don't try and lie to me, you're better off saying nothing" I said stepping away from him and walking towards the door. "Kylie! Where are you going?"

I opened the door and gave him a hard look "To find out what you're keeping from me" with that I slammed the door behind me and took off running towards the front desk without a glance back.

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